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In addition to What Mr. Bulldog 19 suggested.. after submerging your ankle in a bucket for 1 1/2 minutes.. Walk backwards in a threadmill very slowly (speed 2) with mild incline 1 for 5 minutes. Do this 3x consecutively and Continue RICE tx. Ma repeat in 1 day. Good Luck. My son injured his ankle in basketball during the summer prior to his freshman year Summer Baseball. He was able to recuperate rapidly and with the help of the ASO Ankle brace able to play summer ball and in the PONY West Zone.

Rolling an ankle is probably the most painful thing in sports IMO.

Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
My son had a grade 4 high ankle sprain last summer, missed 8 weeks.

What does a "grade 4 sprain" entail? My Orthopedic Injuries books do not grade most sprains that high--stops at 3 for everything but the AC joint..

Repeating what we were told at our orthopedist, so I looked online and found a couple sites that refer to grade 4 sprains, but you are correct to question it as most grade them from 1 to 3.

My son did not do surgery, but did miss 10 weeks and was feeling it for up to 18 weeks. Still has some weakness 7 months later.
Originally posted by Homerun04:
Originally posted by Ryanrod23:

Rolling an ankle is probably the most painful thing in sports IMO.


Obviously you have not been a catcher or pitcher hit with a ball, well you can imagine where. And the Game Ready can't help you there!

How about the bucket of ice water technique ?
Repeating what we were told at our orthopedist, so I looked online and found a couple sites that refer to grade 4 sprains, but you are correct to question it as most grade them from 1 to 3.

Interesting. Like I said, commonly joint sprains are graded on a scale of 1-3. For those interested it breaks down (simply) like this:

Grade 1: Stretching of ligaments
Grade 2: Partial tear of some ligament fibers
Grade 3: Complete rupture of ligament

With that in mind, I am confused as to how there can be a Grade 4 ankle sprain? Fsmjunior, I'm not doubting that you were told that; just doesn't make sense to me.

Some physicians consider the 1,2,3 rating of sprains to be lacking.

Here is just one example:

"The grading of ankle sprains is officially done on an inadequate 3 point scale. Grade 1 is a mild "stretch" of the ligaments, Grade 3 is a complete tear of the ligament and Grade 2 is everything in between. In my office I use a subjective 10 point scale to finer grade the ligament injury for the benefit of the patient."

-Dr. Stephen M. Pribut
Last edited by Jimmy03

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