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This site could use a refreshing break. So how about it foks what it s it that you most look forward to if you have yet to start your season - or what are so you happy to have back if you have already started.

I have to mention a few to start things out -

The crack of a bat (preferrably wooden - but I'll take what I can get)

The smell of freshly cut grass (especially if cut by someone other than myself)

Dirt stains on the uniform (after all they say you PLAYED that game (and that is what Shout is for)

I could go on and on - but I prefer to let the rest of you pitch in with your favoirte things.
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The thing that pops into my mind as the most vivid thing is the feeling I have when the sun is shining and we're on our way to watch a game. It is simply the BEST feeling in the world. Not to infringe on PAMom's quote but it really does seem like Heaven!

Among others are the sound of the ball hitting the catchers glove
The site of the field all prepped and ready
Oh my........I jazzed just thinking about it!

"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." Rogers Hornsby, Hall of Famer

That IS good news, Dad04! Yeah, team! greenjump

Now that my son is away, and whether I've been able to see the game or not, the thing I'm enjoying the most are those post-game conversations and all the fascinating directons those talks take us.

AParent: applaude Good job introducing new topics to bury the Crankies. Roll on, season all over the country!

From 'Nice Guys Finish Last' by Leo Durocher:

Baseball lives at the center of a never-flagging whirl of irreconcilable opinions.
The sound of a ball smacking a mit, the crack (or ping!) of a bat, but mostly that little sizzlin' sound the ball makes when the boys are starting to really throw it in preparation for games starting this coming week.
My son's a freshman, so I wasn't sure what the protical was for going and watching tryouts at his school. I called a Dad of a junior and he said it best, "We need our fix too!"

"take your boy hunting'instead of hunting for your boy"

It depends on whether the string has been pulled by a cat yet or not. Big Grin

ps I have thirteen 13 year old boys spending the night at my house tonight for my youngest sons 13th birthday - hourly breaks to peak at this site are the only thing between me and insanity. - come to think of it - I am in big trouble.

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I have a long time still to wait, with first MN HS games in April, but what I look forward to most is seeing my son take the mound for the first game of the season. As noted by many on another thread (pitcher parents), that's also something that will make my stomache hurt, but I guess I must love pain! Big Grin
My son's basketball season ended last Monday afternoon, he checked in his jerseys on Tuesday, and reported to baseball Wednesday. Oh the excitement began to build in our house. Then the signal that baseball was really about to begin. My son, the catcher, asks,"Mom, I need a cup!" That is the first sign that Spring and baseball is here.
He scrimmaged Thursday night so I got to see all those things that mean baseball is really here. The boys warming up, my son pulling down the catcher's mask over his face, and hearing him say "balls in."
Season begins for him on March 4(JH team) and for our high school on March 2. "PLAY BALL"

"Every member of our baseball team at West Point became a general; this proves the value of team sports." --General Omar Bradley
My favorite ad ever, from the All Star Game, 1995, takes Spring Fever up a degree:

I believe hitting a round ball with a round bat is the hardest thing to do in all of sports.

I believe that Roberto Clemente is the patron saint of baseball.

I believe in the sacrifice fly.

I believe that pitchers should buy catchers lunch.

I believe batting practice makes perfect.

I believe Lou Gehrig's birthday should be a national holiday.

I believe Tony Gwynn sleeps with his bat.

I believe the squeeze play should be taught in public schools.

I believe walls are hard.

I believe no one is bigger than the game except maybe Boog Powell.

I believe somebody, somewhere, understands the infield fly rule.

I believe it's time to sing "Take me out to the ballgame..."

I believe even I sign better than Don Mattingly. I believe that.

And I believe every player should have a day off after two thousand, one hundred and thirty games.

I believe domed stadiums are great for tractor pulls.

And I believe the two greatest words in the English language are 'Play Ball!'

From 'Nice Guys Finish Last' by Leo Durocher:

Baseball lives at the center of a never-flagging whirl of irreconcilable opinions.

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