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Originally Posted by NDallasDad:

Hi -


My son is a 9th grader in a large N. Dallas school.  He has played select ball every spring, but I am getting the impression that HS players play only for the school in the spring and select/showcase teams for the summer. Is that correct?  tia

I'm not sure how it works in Texas but I certainly HOPE so!  Your son should focus on school ball exclusively during their season.  Son always played schoold ball in the Spring and then travel in the summer and fall.  That was in Washington State.

I could be wrong, but think the OP is just referring to the difference between how select ball and summer season works basically the same every year from first season through 14u season, and then format changes somewhat starting with 15u/HS.  I remember wondering about this too at one point.  Also, a lot of select programs basically stop after 14u or else some guys will exit to the more known area programs.  Things begin to get more competitive starting at 15u and the landscape changes. Biggest thing for freshmen obviously is to make the HS team and earn as much PT as possible.  Never too late to find a strong summer opportunity.
Originally Posted by NDallasDad:

Hi -


My son is a 9th grader in a large N. Dallas school.  He has played select ball every spring, but I am getting the impression that HS players play only for the school in the spring and select/showcase teams for the summer. Is that correct?  tia


Here in Virginia, as a general rule,  HS players do not play select or travel ball during the high school season which typically runs from March thru May - maybe into June if the team makes it to the state tournament.  When my son played HS ball, there just wasn't any time for another team.  They were on the field Monday - Saturday for practice or games.  During the season they played 2 games per week with the remaining days as practice.  By law they were not allowed to play or practice on Sunday.  Plus his coach did not want "his" players playing on another team during the season.   Period.


Summer was a different story - he either played Legion or travel ball.

Thanks all.


Solyent Green stated the reason for my question.  As someone mentioned earlier, his 14U Major team had some HS Freshmen, but they had to have been young freshman.  I was a little confused since some programs end, some have tryouts now for summer, and there seems to be some 15u teams playing in the spring (I guess they are not playing for their HS team).  Just trying to understand the changing landscape.


I assume the prior comments are the same if he is "just" playing Freshman or JV.


Thanks all.

Yes 9th grade plays school ball till it's over.  If that's JV or freshman ball they end before school is out and a few early tournaments start.  If you play varsity you cannot play other than school ball till your season ends.  My son missed the first two tournaments with his summer team due to his school team still being in playoffs.  Believe me with 5 or 6 days per week practice and 40 plus games it's all they need.  Hope this helps.

After having been through this the past 4 years in the Greater North Texas area, we have come to the conclusion that Spring High School baseball is a tuneup or repetition practice for the Summer Select Ball.  In High School ball there may only be a handful of good or great players on any one team.  In the Summer the whole team is usually pretty good especially if you are playing for the Mickey Mantle or Connie Mack qualifiers.  Throw'n bb's is correct.  In Texas you have to be completely finished with UIL activities before starting Summer Ball.  Hope this helps. 

Thanks everyone.  The information has been very helpful.


PlanoEast - Appreciate your comment as well. Went to watch a couple of the 9th grade games last year (for my son's future team), and thought my sons 14u team would stack up well against them.


As a followup -  are all the tryouts for summer teams from Nov-January, or are many of them in March/April?.

A lot of teams will have had tryouts this past Fall and some will be pretty well set based on that plus a returning core... Maybe now just looking for specific needs like a PO or such.  But don't sweat it, there are plenty of good 15u teams out there still looking to fill rosters.  Check back through the Texas forum and you'll see a lot of organizational announcements about various area tryouts.

Yes, like SG stated, a lot of travel teams will hold tryouts after the fall season and sometimes as late as March.  If you're interested in a particular team, they'll always host a private workout, especially for pitchers.  You can catch the majority of N. Dallas teams on this website.  Going to their links offers more information and positions they need filled.  Travel teams are like college teams, you have to find the right fit for your son.  That might require changing teams a time or two.  Good luck and let us know if you have any more questions.  I just had my 2013 go through the HS years and now he's about to play in his first NAIA college game!!

Here where I live in Ilinois the kids in 8th grade and under play in the fall.In spring they all play select or travel.Like others that changes in high school.The season is spring/early of right now they can not play school and travel/select at same time.I would not be surprised if that's not challenge at some point in the future.Starting this fall the IHES(jr. highs/middle school) here in IL. will allow the kids to do both.The school team has first dibs.I have no idea why this was changed.It would be very hard to believe it was done for baseball.Maybe wrestling or one of the sports the girls participate in I am just not sure.With the way things go Some high school parent will probably say what good for the younger kids should be good for high school kids.From baseball point I don't see it.

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