Originally posted by Sugi:
Would you prefer the 2B to take the throw from the pitcher who has the play in front of him(2B) or the 1B who is running back to the base with his back partially turned to the play?I guess the same question can be asked about if the the 1B fields the bunt,would you rather have the pitcher take the throw or the 2B?
I also agree that the players need to be taught what to do if they field as well as if they don't.
Thank you for the reply!!Aloha.
Sugi I guess I didn't explain it very well. Trojan Skipper did a better job with what he put here -
3. The 1b-man creeps in but only goes hard to play the ball if he truly must play the ball (right up the first base line).. if the pitcher can get it get back and cover your bag.
Think of it like this - if the bunt is hard down 3B or back at the pitcher the 1B should be able to see this and stay / get back in plenty of time. If the bunt is soft out in front of the plate then he should see this and realize he can't get there first so have enough time to stay / get back. But if the ball is bunted hard down the 1B line then he needs to see it and realize he will be the first one to get there so he comes up hard.
We teach the 2B to always assume he is going to have the bag until he sees or is called off by the 1B and then he gets into backup position.
Also, if the 1B is making the play then it might become a get over play with the pitcher.
Basically if you have the guys talking (saying mine or ball or whatever you have them say) when they want it EARLY then it allows the rest of the defense to adjust.
Hope that makes better sense than what I put earlier.