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Our prayers go out for St. Clair Jones, Kellam HS head baseball coach. He was in an auto accident today and is currently in surgery. He's in a very tough situation.
FieldBuilder teach me baseball and I'll teach you relativity...No we must not, You will learn about relativity faster than I learn baseball. --Albert Einstein
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Yes, please keep him in your prayers, as mentioned he is undergoing his 2nd surgey of the day. Saint is a tough guy and is a fighter. I know his former and current Kellam players as well as the rest of us who have had the pleasure of meeting, being coached or making friends with him along with the Beach District players and coaches are pulling for him.
Hopefully we will have some good news in a couple of hours. His spirits were high before going into surgery.
Saint is out of surgery, awake and alert (and taking visitors, he is a tuff old bird). Unfortunatly, his injuries to his spinal cord were severe. Prognosis is not good, but only time will tell. (You may have seen the news reports tonight as to his condition, I am sure there will be an official word in the morning) We can only hope and pray for a full recovery. But I truely, truely believe, he "will" be back out on that diamond one day.
Coach Jones was in his usual high spririts today.
And he had a boat load of visitors and welcomed everyone of them. His determination to make a full recovery is very inspiring.
I do not want to announce his offical status, as we are not privy to all the offical details, but at this point, its not life threating, but certainly life changing.
Please keep him in your prayers, it will be a long, tough road, but he is young and strong and very determined.
The baseball community will miss him very much as he recovers.
Oh so true Redbird. His positive attitude inspires all of us. It was so evident how much effect he has had on people just by the amount of visitors that have passed thru those doors over the last 3 days. And as he was giving final instuctions to Coach Duke tonight, his last words were, "don't worry, I'll be back before the start of the season".
His family is just as nice, upbeat and genunine as he is. His mom did a great job.

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