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James River junior Austin Stadler will be named the Richmond Times-Dispatch's Metro Player of the Year when the All Metro team is published in an upcoming edition. A well deserved honor for a player who was great all year, both at the plate and on the mound, and unbelievable in the regional and state playoffs.
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With all due respect do you think it was your place to make that announcement before the newspaper put it out? You could have just as easily waited until it was published THEN congratulated him. I dunno but I guess I wonder why you felt you had to make the announcement rather than letting the paper do it. Not trying to start an arguement but I just don't think that it was your responsibility to do this.
Originally posted by Local8SS:
With all due respect do you think it was your place to make that announcement before the newspaper put it out? You could have just as easily waited until it was published THEN congratulated him. I dunno but I guess I wonder why you felt you had to make the announcement rather than letting the paper do it. Not trying to start an arguement but I just don't think that it was your responsibility to do this.

What difference does it make that he announced it before the paper? People posts results all the time prior to them coming out in the paper. Is that any different? More importantly, many come on this site for the specific purpose of getting that type of info as soon as they can. I really fail to see what you could possibly have against getting this info a little "early" long as it is accurate.
It's official as of this morning!

I was especially pleased that the RTD rectified some slights towards James River players that occurred at the All District level and thus, carried through to All Region.

In particular, Tyler Gruhl and Chris Briere got second team All Metro honors despite being passed over for even second team All District. Well done, RTD!

A.J. Prill joined Stadler on the first team. Despite being hampered by tendonitis the last half of the season, Daniel Marrs got second team.

That's half the Rapids' starting lineup getting first or second team!

You do a good job reporting the news from Richmond. My guess is several of your readers are from your area and they'd rather here less about JR. Well, as you so deftly stated, if other teams want to see info about their players/teams, write it up!

On another note, don't ever lose sight of the fact that there is MUCH horse trading that goes on with All-District selections.

Case in point...what the heck is an All-District Utility player? I would say that it's a kid who played well but had some one else in his district play better. Back in the day, that meant 2ND TEAM!

Anyway, congrats to JR. From where I sit, they beat several very good teams, overcame some adversity with injured players and figured out how to win it all. Hats off, I would say.
James River has a team web site that is intended for players, extended family, student fans, etc. A lot of content goes on there and, given its purpose, it is pretty much "home cookin'" -- though we do try to take note of the talent at opposing schools.

We provide that content to a few web site outlets and they eat it up. My impression is those outlets will pretty much run anything you send them. Think your team is getting overlooked? Write it up and e-mail it in. They will post it for all to see!

The parent who's been our volunteer web site photographer in particular was fabulous, and those good pictures have a way of making the news more eye-catching when it gets posted. We will miss his services next year!

On this site I tried to give unbiased and brief reports on the Dominion District's season as it progressed. Obviously since JR started 19-0, the reports had more good news on JR than on other teams. We stumbled there for about a week, as you say largely due to an injury to a key player. But then we finished strong and won it all, so again, all the news to report was good news.

Sorry if that sticks in some folks' craw, but then again, actually I'm not sorry!

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