Originally posted by ncplayer:
Sorry about the wrong way to reply on my last post, but I'm new to this board. My question is how does the speed on a Bushnell Speedster compare to a Juggs? Thanks.
My information on the speedster is also a little dated. I wouldn't buy an older model from the internet, because they seemed to have a very limited range. From the people I've talked to, the Speedster doesn't have the range for general use. If you are right behind the catcher, it works Ok. You could use it in bullpens, but it's not a good gun to carry to games.
They used to call the Jugs gun the "Steroid Gun" since it picked up out of hand speeds. From others that I have talked to, the newer Stalker models not only pick up speed out-of-hand, but also plate speed on the same pitch. That can be valuable information, as it relates to spin rates, life on the ball, speed of decay, etc.
Unless you are a pro, buy which ever of the two guns you can get the best deal on. They both work fine and have solid reputations.