For those who attended the Camp, justbb is offering terrific input.
The experiences and results are varied. There is no one size fits all. That is why so many terrific coaches from all levels of college baseball attend.
Each one of those coaches, from the top DI to the DIII and NAIA has a goal. They want to find qualified players and students.
Our experience is more varied than the options justbb presented.
For our son, the experience was a bit like peeling layers from an onion.
Heading into the Camp, he had Pac10 aspirations.
For reasons beyond his control and ability, that didn't happen.
He ended up with an Ivy league coach and a DIII coach, who were/are good friends, both liking his skills. Ultimately, the Ivy coach ranked him behind a player from Fla. The DIII coach ranked him above every player he was recruiting.
As the onion peeled back, the academics and baseball options at the DIII were different, and better, than anything we knew existed for him the day before the Camp started.
As justbb confirms, this is a marathon for most, not a sprint.
It is where they end next Fall 2011, that is important, not where they started when the Camp ended.
Ours ended up with his B.A. in 4 years from a top tier University, he played every game for 4 years and became a fine, fine player along that path, he played and succeeded in top Summer league teams, got drafted, played well after that, and is now pursuing his passion, to be a top DI baseball coach and scout the Stanford Camp.
With few exceptions, this is not a sprint. We would have loved for our son to play at Cal or Stanford or other local schools where we could have seen all his games.
To be candid, though, the Camp is not about "us." It is about our sons and the opportunities it can provide for them.
It is about what they do with the opportunities they create, even those options that are totally different than what we or they hoped would happen when the Camp began.
Good luck to each of your sons
I sincerely hope the range of results provided by justbb, myself and others can help provide reasons to see the future may not be what you thought it would be, but to know that what is important is the future created by that Camp and your son's efforts there... and to know you are not alone in feeling you would like the answers before they can occur.