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What’s your HS team’s policy on making stats and video in your scorekeeping app visible?  Do they allow anyone to see it or just the team?  Our HS allows all video to be seen by anyone but stats are restricted by player to just the family members of that player, so you cannot see the team stats.  

Also, what’s your opinion on restricting vs not?  

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Most schools around here have both open to the public. I suppose some coaches believe there is strategic value in not allowing their opponents to see their stats or video, but realistically not many high school coaches or players have the time to do in-depth research on their opponents anyway. Everybody already knows who the studs are.

My son's old high school kept everything locked down.  You could only see your own son's stats.  The Coach talked about it in the parent meeting.  He said it was to prevent other schools looking at spray charts, etc.  It was really to prevent parents from having ammo to question his line up decisions, etc.

Granted, there are local aggregate sits that compile all the high school stats so you can find it if you're looking hard enough

Back in the good old days when we had a good local newspaper, they put box scores, game summaries in the paper after every game.  And, they published the stats for the area teams about four times a year.  Sometimes there were some "errors" that kind of looked deliberate; at that time, I thought it mattered.

Random people at work, in the neighborhood, etc. enjoyed reading about their friends' kids.  Now, of course, all of that is gone, newspaper belongs to USAToday, and seem to have no interest (or ability to pay reporters) in what matters to local people.

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