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Does anyone have any info on this Stat . Son got an email about it and I guess you enter your season stats, and coaches and whatnot can look at them. Maybe PG Staff can chime in, as it says that they are connected with PG? Thanks for any help.
SpiderFan, SpiderFan, Your Friendly Neighborhood SpiderFan
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Actually this site is an extension of

This was a site developed by someone who played at Perfect Game events while in High School. Russ D'Argento, he then went on to play at U.Conn on scholarship and graduated from there.

He contacted us with an idea for doing similiar statistics (like statstud) for the top high school players. Of course, stats can be misleading, but they are interesting as well. They are more important if someone has already been identified as a prospect. He wants to reach only highest level players and I believe it is free for the player to enter statistics. Really I'm not positive exactly how it works regarding cost, so maybe I shouldn't say anything.

It is just getting started and our main objective is to help a former PG guy who we have always liked a lot. Russ is a great young man, he loves baseball and he is extremely intelligent. I hope he can figure out a way to make a fortune. I have complete faith in the fact that Russ D'Argento is not going to take advantage of anyone.

Once again, I know our name appears as a partner. It is true, but we make no money at all in this partnership. People might not want to believe that, but it is 100% true. We actually do try to help people when possible.

Here IS the thing we get out of it. I am a big believer in information. The more information we can gather the better for us. Sure, some information is not as important as other information, but all information has some importance to us. Not sure if that makes any sense.

It goes back to other debates regarding... Are stats important? My answer would be... Absolutely! But they aren't anywhere near as important as things like tools and projection!

Anyway, if anyone decides to get involved... Let us know what you think.
I've been visiting the HS Baseball site for the past year. There is a wealth of information and I enjoy reading the many posts on the message board. This is my first actual post, as I thought it was important to get some clarification on Stat Showcase.

My son received a couple different email invitations from over the last few days. After reading the original post from Highcheese, and the responses, I decided to register my son on Stat Showcase. After typing in his information, I was instructed to pay $99.00 for the annual subscription...the original emails from their site stated that it was free?

The Head Coach of the school my son attends registers the team roster and updates stats on My question to Russ D'Argento would be "what's the advantage to me signing my son up for a program that costs $99 a year, when college coaches can look my son up on Maxpreps?" Also, It's my understanding that it's up to the kids/parents to update the stats on line for statshowcase throughout the high school season. If so, you know that there will be a number of stats that might be a little exaggerated?

I think this could actually be beneficial to kids that don't have their information updated on sites like maxpreps, but I'm hoping that there is a way for college coaches to make sure that what is included on the site is legit.

A response from statshowcase would be helpful to me and the other parents that are considering completing the registration for our son.

I was forwarded this link, and wanted to say a few things to clarify. First off, thank you for the kind words about To clear up a few things - Yes we are partnered with Perfect Game and Jerry Ford. Jerry is the true definition of class, as you will not find more of a stand up guy in this business, any business for that matter. I am always very cautious about whom I associate my name with, especially with new ventures, however I am always proud to say we are working with Perfect Game.

The original poster was correct, there is no charge to enter your stats as a prospect within our system (we cover High School & Top Summer Ball Teams). Here is how it works: We believe to get the true talent across the country, price should never be mandatory. Each prospect is able to enter their stats on a game by game basis in their personal player account area. These stats are then processed, graded out and then streamlined through our system, and displayed in about every way possible on our site/platform.

The actual site itself includes the following: detailed stats on EVERY player within, game by game and season totals, graph and charting options to compare players, power rankings for every player derived from statistical algorithms, across each stat category, regional and state by state breakdowns, position breakdowns, video of prospects, personal watchlist to track players, auto email updates on particular players you choose, etc etc . . .

These features are available to our 'full access users'. These full access users are comprised of: college coaches, pro scouts, players/parents who want to see where they rank, and MLB personnel etc. To have access as a full user is $99. Again, this is OPTIONAL as a player/parent. We understand that many parents and players will want to see this information, ad how they are stacking up against the nations best. That is fine, and they are welcome to join to do so. However, it is NOT mandatory to become a full access user to gain exposure through us.

StatShowcase is by invitation only, however if you would like to recommend a player to receive an invite please email: with full information (or) visit:

We are growing VERY rapidly, already having over 400 of the nations elite prospects registered within our platform, ready to enter their stats at the start of the 2009 season. We look forward to growing and continuing to improve upon our rapid start.

For those of you who have not seen the inner workings of our 'full access' area, click below to see just a few of our many pages:

I hope this helped answer some of the questions. Good luck to each and every player that is about to embark on the start of the 09' season!

Russ D'Argento & Support Team
Last edited by StatShowcase
bsbl247 -

No problem. I will be happy to answer your questions. The difference between us and a site like max preps is very simple. We are focused ONLY on the nations elite players. If you are invited to join StatShowcase as a prospect, we feel as if you are a draft prospect or are going to play college ball, period.

This is not a recruiting service, where we take any player we can get, charge them $50 dollars, and move on to the next. This is a unique platform that gives these players a great stage to display this information - and at the same time let our program crunch and slice their numbers every which way possible.

To your next question in regards to price. As in my post above, is FREE for our players to register and enter their numbers. End of story. We do not, and will not ever charge players a fee. I simply do not believe in that model. The $99 dollars you are referring to, is for those players/parents, college coaches, pro scouts etc who wish to view the inner workings of our site. I hope this clears things up for you.

Lastly, entering 'false' stats is taken VERY seriously here. There is a terms box that must be checked each time a player enters their stats for a game. This clearly says that any player who is deemed to be entering false or bloated information even one time, will be immediately removed from the system. We will be VERY strict on this matter. We believe that it will police itself, and we have assigned a member of our support team to monitor this area full time. For example lets take player A who is a JR in HS, Georgia, FSU, UCONN, and Michigan all have him on their watchlist as users of StatShowcase. They are checking in every few days to see his production, etc. One day they login to their watchlist and player A is gone. This spot on the watchlist will be shown as an 'X' referring to a player who has been removed.

I hope this helps, and thank you very much for your interest in With the help of Perfect Game, we plan on making this the only and most robust platform for the nations elite.

Russ D'Argento
StatShowcase Support Team
Last edited by StatShowcase
Russ--- Thanks for the insight into the workings of StatShowcase and what you are trying to do with it. It sounds like an easy way for coaches to keep up with some of their recruits, and may be a bit easier for the kids, rather than emailing a bunch of coaches after the games, they can just do it once. I still take the competition thing inot account, but Im sure that if someone gets to the point of being a college coach, they realize that competition is different in different areas and among different conferences in that area. Thanks again for the info, Statshowcase.
Pop Up Hitter dad -

Yes - the site is via invitation only. We have 2 main filters that create invite links. The site is not 'open' per se for any players. It is VERY important to us that the site stays elite with the caliber of players. Perfect Game is very helpful on this matter for us as well.

As far as entering your game schedule; You can load stats for any game the day of the game, or after. You can not load game stats for dates that are in the future of course, as our system will block this.

You can however enter "future events" in your account page. These are events that are used mostly by pitchers. They are able to enter their next start on the mound, its location, date, and the team they are facing. This is a great took for those scouts, college coaches, and players/parents who use our service to keep up on this information. These future events are showing in an organized manner on the player pages to our main users.

I hope this helps - and we are looking forward to the 09' season to kick off, and the stats to start flowing!

Russ D'Argento
StatShowcase Support Team

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