These are topics we have all addressed before but we prolly need to re-address for purpose of reinfocement.
I'll start discussion>Here Ya go>
A common misunderstanding as hitter/instructor during instruction revolves around "keeping the hands inside the ball". Here is my point that I would like to discuss with board. The point is confusing because the hands are always inside the ball unless you are sweeping the bat so bad around the ball you may need to find another profession or sport All joking aside, wouldn't it be better to say..."keep the barrel inside the ball" since the hands are/should always be inside of ball anyway?
I agree totally with Mike Epstein when he says and I quote, "The most important thing for the student to understand is that the hands and body do Not disconnect until the hands begin to follow the rotating body around its axis." TOTALLY AGREE!!! It's like a figure skater getting ready to uncoil body in jump...basically the same premise and action as a hitter rotating around his axis or coming forward by turning staying connected to the ground at least with the back leg which also will eventually include front leg upon touchdown. Good afternoon hitters! Peace, Shep
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