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A friend and current coach was being recruited by Tulane in days gone by. Very sought after recruit. Stud SS on USA baseball 16U team, etc. Asked to visit the campus, recruit and father drove to the campus for a tour of the facilities and to meet the entire coaching staff. Kid was thrilled, loved the school and the offer. 

While on the tour, head coach took them through the cafeteria. "Our athletes are special to us at this University. We wake care of them. Anytime you want a steak, you go into the cafeteria and give Ms. Johnson your jersey number and she will cook you up a steak!"  On the ride back to Texas, kid kept telling his dad about how well they treat the players. You can get a steak anytime!  With the offer being sufficient, he commits  

Two years later, he is on campus.  After the first practice, he promptly marches into the cafeteria and says "Ms. Johnson, I'm number 21, I'd like my steak medium rare!"

Ms. Johnson looked at him and laughed.  "You guys will believe anything those fool coaches will tell you.  There's no steak!"



"A mind, once expanded, never returns to it's original shape."

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As a college freshman, my roommate and I wondered over to a side of the cafeteria we'd never seen before. It was opposite of the main student cafeteria. We walked over to the "new" one we hadn't seen before and saw a serving line with steaks, chicken, pork chops, potatoes, etc... Looked good, and then we realized we had wondered in to the football team's evening training table.

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