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Son was charged an E in college game when after a runner was picked off first the first baseman threw high to second and he tried to catch and tag quickly and dropped ball.

First time for everything.

Of course same scorekeeper gave him E on quick throw to first that was ankle high that first dropped- but who's keeping track?
Last edited by igball
If the ball arrives well ahead of the runner and simple ordinary effort would've put the runner out, you can actually score this a caught stealing and error on the SS. The throw needs to be well ahead of the runner where he is obviously going to be out (SS is waiting, makes simple tag and drops the ball making tag). I wouldn't score error if the runner's slide "helped" the ball come out, even if ball was ahead of the runner.

95 times out of 100, this is going to be a stolen base, but you can score error / CS / assist to the catch under the right circumstances.

Bang / bang drop is always a SB.
Originally posted by playfair:
error. my kid got charced for one last year against TCU...Perfect throw, sailed belly high right over the bag into straight center.. Error.

We did not care. He did what he was supposed to do.

Control what you can control. Let the rest go.

Did the runner advance to third on the play? If the runner advances on to third then there will be an error charged for allowing him to reach third. But I agree with the other folks here...the runner reaches second on a SB.
Last edited by Emanski's Heroes

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