Guys/Gals - Need some help. My 13u has a problem stepping out in his stride with a fear of getting hit.Unfortunately he then doesn't cover half the plate, and of course is striking out. He now hopes to get walked with the fear of striking out, which I believe compounds the problem with a non-agressive hitter.
Let me say that when I pitch to him he hits EVERYTHING with conviction. He doesn't step out against me. I tell him it is because he trusts I won't hit him.
He'll probably won't ever be a elite player or even make his high school team. I just want him to have fun and contribute like most of the other kids his last 2 years of travel. I know he can do it.
Do we start with an open stance and stride to the plate? Any suggestions if possible(I know it's a mental thing) would be greatly appreciated.
Also give me suggestions on how to appoach him. His self esteem is suffering
Thanks in advance