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Shortly after the steroid related death of Taylor Hooten, but before all Senate committee hearings on the topic, I taught the 8th grade students at a junior high school about the dangers of steroid use. There were lots of questions from the boys, but I'll never forget one of the them. It still haunts me.

A very pleasant, athletic-looking kid looked up at me from his seat in the front and quietly asked, "Well, then, how DO you get big?"
Last edited by play baseball
Read the article and I sit here and think maybe thats the direction we shoud be going in. Two years ago I would have been rantng about personal rights. THis year my sons team registered for drug testing. Coach spoke about it and then said we are going to do this in like 6 weeks. He wasnot worried about the steroid but about other recreational drugs. My son nd four of his team mates came over to the house and were discussing it n our livingroom. I waas stunned at what I heard. Next day I got a call from the coach. These five young men came to hm and asked to take their drug test that day or within the week. Reason was they felt they would be considered dirty becase the team was given five weeks to "prepare" for the test. Boys all took their test and were clean. Rest of the team never took the test. After the call fromt he coach I went and hugged my son and told him how proud was of him. He told me it felt good to know that he had nothing to hide and like I had always told him you had your word and family in life. He wanted nothing to endange his name, even thehint of impropriety (not the word he used)
Shortly after that class, I went to the Parent-Teacher conference at my sons' high school. In the conference with my son's Health teacher, we spoke about my experience in the junior high school. I asked if they addressed steroids in the health class as they talk about "drugs." They do not. The teacher (a football and wrestling coach, too) also said, "Well, we don't tell them NOT to take steroids...maybe we should."

Ya think?
Last edited by play baseball
At a team gathering of my older son's travel ball team I saw, what looked like to me, the signs of steroid use in some of the players.
I do not have any knowledge of these young men outside of their physical appearance and I hate to think that this craze is that prevalent yet I'd not want to bet on the outcome of a "random" surprise test. How does anybody judge performance at any level with this environment?

It's definately out here at the high school level...

Have seen a handful of high school players in the past few years who are users, amazing the difference in bat speed between when they are on and when they are off. I equate it to the difference between a wood and a composite bat...

Really scary with these guys with metal bats and slow high school pitchers...

Cool 44

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