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Oh, my Twitter handle is josh_herz for those with a Twitter as well and want to follow me, although I can't promise I'll be anywhere close to as insightful as Spring.

"round ball, round bat and dirt = stuff happens"
quote:Originally posted by CBallhitball:
Awesome digital audio available via perfect game. My Junior player loves it... preaches what I've told him forever, job is to hit the ball hard, can't control if it's a hit or not.
"round ball, round bat and dirt = stuff happens"
Exactly what I preach. "See the ball, hit the ball hard". That is the only thing that you can control.
I've also explained it to him as you can't think about results (ie hits). Just hit it hard.
Dr. Tom Hanson
He's locked in on seeing the ball and is crushing it to all fields.
I - and he - attribute a big part of his success to Steve's help. KCDawgjr never goes to the plate without a plan. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but he always knows what he's going to try to do based off what he sees pitcher doing, including swinging at - and hitting - a number of first pitch curveballs. When I asked him why - "I knew he was going to throw it and that's what I wanted to hit."
And while I can't say that he still doesn't watch his batting average some - he's 16 after all and that's what everyone else is looking at - he realizes there isn't much he can do once he hits the ball and puts it in play. I think that realization has helped him to stay loose at the plate and has shortened a few of his slumps.
He's tried to get some of his high school and summer ball team mates to do the same thing, but so many of them are always looking fastball until they have two strikes. Or they are just reacting to the pitch... "It was a strike, so I swung at it."
Highly recommend Steve's CDs.
My youngest has heard him speak recently and my eldest has his CD. Both college age guys.
Spring breaks it down to a simple approach which I think most great hitters do.
Recently got to listen to Springer talk and it was awsome. My son loves the cd listens to it everyday. I would highly recommend it. hitballharduwin
where can you buy the cd
hi everyone my twitter acc is blowing up @qualityatbats-please checkout my website also check out new testimonials-hope all is well-compete-springer
I bought this for my son pre-season. Steve called me directly to thank me for the purchase. Great guy. My son loves it. I recommend it. We are not talking about batting average , but it was the best not talked about subject this high school season.
I would like to thank Spring for his Quality at Bat CD.It is a Cd that has to be listened to over and over but his advice helped my son,s confidence and BA tremendously.His advice to attack the inside of the baseball,look for a curveball on 0-2, 1-2 counts,forget about your BA and many other tips he wrote on the bill of his cap. Thanks Spring!