Where do I find 'em? I don't tell many people this, but I find all of my stuff quite by chance. Let me explain it to you
Every time this twirling troupe comes through Chicago I try to get to their show. I haven't missed many. As they 'do their thing' it's inevitable that a few odds and ends are going to be thrown clear. That's when, catlike, I spring to work!
In the video of their last show you can spot me in the second row...not the best seat to suit my needs. I really prefer to sit in the first row. It's much easier for me to scramble out and fetch whatever was flung. When I must leap from the second row many in the audience are annoyed...and let me know about it.
It's a dangerous pastime...I've been knocked silly more times than I'll ever be able to remember. Sometimes when the EMT's are called they aren't able to coax the silliness back out of me, so over time it just builds up. Sort of like dental plaque or the lint on the trap that's on your clothes washer's discharge tube. It's definitely a professional hazard, but worth it.
Once I figured out what exactly this diagram was all about my expeditions to gather stuff were more successful...and safer too!
Anyway, take a look.
They're remarkable...they'll make your head spin! Should be no wonder where I get everything now that you've seen this clip. You wouldn't believe what I find when I'm lucky enough to be there when one of 'em loses his fez!