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2013 sent out a few letters to coaches not long ago, and the coach from Stonehill was the first to reply. He invited my son to an evaluation session in October - costs $100, so I know it isn't an indication of special amount of interest.

We've been on the website and read the college guide books - does anyone have any insight beyond the public information?

Thanks in advance.
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I'm sure it varies student to student, but you definitely should apply. Our daughter graduated from Stonehill in 08 and has done well career wise since then.

She loved her time there and continues to receive support from the Alumni office and her professors. Fantastic study abroad program and internship opportunities. She did London one semester and interned in DC another, which directly led to a job on the Hill.

Gave some aid, but not tons. Still, it was well worth the student loans to see it through. Highly recommend them.
Last edited by RedSoxFan21
Hey TwoTex, we were there too. My guy was one of the two catchers on the black team. I thought this was one of the better events we've been at. Total and respectful attention by the coaching staff, making lots of notes for promised follow up evaluations.

They dealt well with the rain challenged outdoors too.

Combine the coaching staff with the great academics and the wood bat D2 league makes this a great place to play ball.

We came away very impressed as well. The event had a very personal touch which you don't see at every camp. I noticed how the head coach never diverted his attention away from what was happening on the field. They were clearly evaluating players, not just taking money and going through the motions.

I'm looking forward to the evaluation. Didn't expect it, but always good to get.

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