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The other day I was listening to ESPN radio announcers Jim Bowden and another guy interview former Tiger second baseman Lou Whitaker. I don't know if he has hard feelings about being dropped from the Hall of Fame ballot too quickly when he was eligible or what. Maybe he's just being honest because I actually agree with him but I've NEVER heard a player say something like this about an esteemed teammate.


The two commentators were rendered speechless when they asked Lou what he thought about Jack Morris with a typical leading question that went something like, " Don't you feel Jack Morris should be elected to the Hall this year?", and Whitaker heed and hawed and kind of giggled and then said that Morris was a GOOD pitcher because he had Whitaker and Trammel behind him. He then repeated the statement that he felt Morris was good only because he had a good infield behind him (specifically Trammel and himself); he would not say that he should be elected to the Hall and the announcers couldn't end the session with Lou fast enough.


It was funny in some ways and eye opening in another. If one of your own long time teammates doesn't think you are Hall of Fame worthy and he was there during much of Morris's career then I guess you might not be.

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