It's funny that you mentioned this, since yesterday I was at Strikes talking with Steve. Scott Nelson walks in with this young man, who was wearing this cool

looking baseball cap. This young mans name is Justin Olson.
It turns out that this man, along with Blake Whaley, was an instructor at Strikes during the summer of '98, and was working with my 10 year old, at that time - 15 year old now, on hitting and fielding. Justin and Blake both went to OPRF, and Steve Hayward was there 14 year old baseball coach.
Well, to make a long story short, Justin Olson went to Univ. of Illinois for 4 years under Itch, and was just promoted to high 'A' ball for the Minnesota Twins. Pitches 96-97. Justin then tells us that Jason Shelly, also an off-season instructor at Strikes, just got promoted to AA for the Milwaukee Brewers.
Also, I forgot to mention that Bo Flowers was promoted to high 'A' ball for the Detroit Tigers. hit the nail-on-the-head

when you said, "inspirational", "confidence boost", "comfortable". That's why my son goes to Strikes!
"You observe a lot by watching."