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Keller has a unique situation in left field that allows kids to congregate on top of the football visitors parking lot and watch the game. Last night there were over 100 kids out there.

Couple of reasons they do it, tradition, and they don't have to pay to watch the game from that vantage point.

Looking out to left field last night got me to thinking.....why does the school, or any school charge students to get into games? I can understand football games, it's a revenue sport Big Grin

But Baseball, soc cer, track, softball, volleyball, basketball?
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I know what you mean KD. It can add up in a hurry if they want to see their friends play.

Last year when my kiddos were at McKinney North, the district sold a card for $50 and you could get into any MISD game, except for varsity FB. It was great. It saved us a ton of money over the year. I think more schools should do this kind of thing.

That's cool about the Keller kids. Over 100 is awesome.

Great topic. Should get some good feedback!!
I know part of the reason is control access. That they don't want the kids coming for a little bit, going out to thier cars to drink or smoke something, and then come back in. But there are ways to combat that, stamp their hands or something, tell them if they leave, they will not be allowed back in.

And last night was incredible, as Keller had their big inning, you could tell the kids were calling and text messaging other kids to tell them to come watch the big comeback. The kids kept rolling in right to the end.
Several years back @ The Rock during a playoff game with Rowlett there were 62 cars and trucks on the hill. Grills were going and no telling what else. Landscaping that hill ended that and a tremendous home field advantage for the Jackets went with it. Coaches as well as players hated to see it go.
As far as charging HS kids to watch, Administration is just tring to break even on expenses, not make a profit.
Umpires 80 to 100 combined
Gate Keeper 35
Police Officer 35 an hour 4 hrs
Scorekeep 25
Announcer (Optional) 25
Thats a total of 325.00 on the conservative side.
It adds up quick and when a sport can pay its own way and not take away from the general athletic budget it helps when budget time rolls around.
I love the idea of the 50 dollar pass. I'm gonna sugest it to the higher ups at RISD.
Umpires 80 to 100 combined

A subject that is on my mind.

After my criticisms of the industry, it was suggested that I get some gear and get with it, but my approach is going to be different.

I think the first step is to make it finacically attractive so that more are interested and can also afford better training, certification, and review.

PIAA won't likely see this here, but I'd like to understand the structure/organization of the various chapters, how high school (at the college level, too) umpires are trained, tested, and reviewed.

I'm willing to pay more for higher quality officiating.

Forgive me for straying off the topic.
Last edited by FormerObserver
You better have a police officer, it's a far as the concession stand is concerned ~ that money goes directly into the baseball or softball program. (At most schools)
Funny how most guys this day and time will go to a buddies house and ante 20 for Texas Hold-em, but will cough at admission to see his kid play. Someones saying at the bottom is "its all relative" Got to be better things to gripe about than this. How about that kid in Plano that fired his team up by bad mouthing team mates and coaches..........?????? LOL Razz
Nowhere did I say that I don't mind paying to get in. But, wouldn't there be a whole lot more student support of baseball if the students didn't have to pay to get in?

And, our concession money goes into the general booster club fund, not directly into baseball.

And, there might be a cop, but I think he patrols the whole athletic complex, as there is usually a s****r game going on also.
Sorry K-Dad, I'm not a hostile. I just think different school districts have different issues. Our school district has a great student turnout, but that hasn't always been the case. Now with 2 schools I'm sure that'll drop too. I have no problem with students getting in free with a valid school ID. To be honest IMO they charge to keep scrapes at a minimum. Again IMO. Seniors citizens get in free. Old Pitcher ~ You're no senior citizen.
Again sorry that I came off as opposing your thoughts.
Originally posted by Old Pitcher:
as there is usually a s****r game going on also.

I like how you did that word. s****r is a four letter word where I come from.

Grass fairies!! I didn't just say that, did I? I'll get all kinds of grief if there's some s****r people on here! boxing


Please use the proper name for that activity: commie kickball.
Originally posted by KellerDad:
Keller has a unique situation in left field that allows kids to congregate on top of the football visitors parking lot and watch the game. Last night there were over 100 kids out there.

You mean they are watching from the "cheapseats"?

I am impressed you have such a great student turnout for HS baseball...we don't get a very good student turnout at our HS (mostly just the players' girlfriends). Thinking back to my HS days we had low attendance at our baseball games as well. Congrats to Keller, Rockwall and all the programs with a good turnout..
At Elkins I think students are charged $1 or $2 dollars.

We dont have a great deal of seating at the home field so the last 3 years or so, students have been congregating out on a levee past the left field wall. For a rivalry game or Senior Night, there are in upwards of 200 students out there over the course of the game. Here is a pic from a scrimmage a few years ago:

And here is the view from the levee:

The students love it out there. Usually have 1 or 2 grills working with hot dogs and burgers. They even had shirts made up with "Levee Crew" on them when the whole thing started off. Brings a great element to a high school game...and the administration doesnt freak out about it either. The campus cop goes out there every couple inning to make sure nothing else is going on and lets the kids do their thing.
Last edited by kevin in missouri city
We recently visited the Cedar Hill field to watch the JV team play and were charged $7 a person to watch the game. pull_hair I don't know if this price was also charged to students, however, this is the most I have paid ever. I guess they have to pay for their new field somehow. Their varsity fans were not charged at our field. Coincidentially, the t-ball fans playing on other fields were not charged.
Originally posted by Fast Ball Mom:
We recently visited the Cedar Hill field to watch the JV team play and were charged $7 a person to watch the game. pull_hair I don't know if this price was also charged to students, however, this is the most I have paid ever. I guess they have to pay for their new field somehow. Their varsity fans were not charged at our field. Coincidentially, the t-ball fans playing on other fields were not charged.

OUCH and we have to play there this friday, guess I better stop at the bank first.

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