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Just got this email from a mom who hasn't a clue. The practice she mentions DID start promptly on time, by the way. I didn't have the field until 7:30 so I started practice at 7:00 off the field with jogging, stretches, throwing, and a team meeting so that we could take maximum advantage of the time once we were able to go on the field. And the cancelled practice was because there was water standing on the field, I got there 30 minutes early (a 35 minute drive for me) to see if the field would be useable. Please pray for us rec-ball coaches. (I'm 'retiring' after this spring - son will be playing JV next year and I've had enough).

Hello Coach,

I am writing to request that you provide us with accurate practice times
from this point forward. I check your website often for any changes &
updates. Yesterday's practice was scheduled to start at 7PM, I later found
out that it wasn't suppose to start until 7:30PM. We were there early, at
6:40PM to be exact.

The same thing happened on Saturday morning. We arrived 10 minutes early
(9:20AM) only to find out that you were canceling practice. I checked your
website before leaving the house (as you suggested) to see if there had been
any changes and there weren't. When I got home I realized that you left a
voice mail for us regarding this cancellation at (9:20AM) but as you know we
were already at the field by then. Calling ten minutes before practice is
scheduled to start is a bit late for those of us who are normally prompt.

I am asking for your consideration in providing accurate information or
contacting us via telephone at least 30 minutes in advance for changes.
My husband and I are coordinating ******x's baseball practice around work,
other commitments AND the schedule of TWO other siblings. Thank you and I
appreciate your understanding and consideration regarding this matter.
Original Post

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Let me guess. This is the family who's Dad shows halfway through practice in a suit and stands on the sideline telling the other parents how he did it when he played.

Neither parent volunteers to "lead" ANY child activity.

They're the first ones to raise their hands for "writing the check" when asked if the team should fundraise (to help build comraderie, along with funds), or write checks to cover costs.

Has written on the registration app that he'll help coach, then can't ever be there when asked to actually "haul the equipment bag".

Watches as you and the rest of the parents sweat to prepare the field for play.

Looks to me like you just found your "phone mom".

Ohhhh, she's trouble. Guess you picked players and didn't interview the parents.LOL.

Put her in charge of scheduling field time...dumbing down to argue with her is death; she's got too much experience at that level. Yeah, I know there's no chance she wants to be that involved; just wishful thinking.

Funny thing is the best group of parents I ever had was with a 8U rec ball team followed closely by a 12U Travel team's. Worst group was a 13U Travel group of were great but the parents were a headache all season and I wasn't even the head coach.

I'd start checking out my options for early retirement. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.LOL.

Good luck...I "retired" 2 years ago.

I think fanofgame hit the nail on the head:

"Maybe you can put her in charge to check out the field on questionable days and then call the entire team to let them know if there is practice."

Expanding on fan's idea, you should send this mom a drippingly nice response, something like:

"I am so glad that you wrote me about your concerns. With all of the other demands of coaching, I was very hopeful that a kind parent such as yourself would volunteer as Scheduling Administrator. Attached is a list of the phone numbers of the other team parents, so that you can check with each of them and find out the amount of lead time (travel time) they each need for scheduling updates during questionable weather. Once you have determined the maximum travel time, you'll just need to arrive at the practice or game field approximately that far in advance of our scheduled start. Actually you'll need to arrive about 15 minutes earlier than that, to ensure that you have time to call all of the parents on the list after arriving at the field, in the event that field conditions warrant a scheduling change. Maybe as a rule of thumb it would be best to just plan to arrive 60 to 70 minutes before the rest of us. Thanks again, I really appreciate your help."

WHAT??? This mom will be quite flabbergasted, wondering why in the world she would possibly be expected to do ... exactly what she seems to expect of the coach who already does so much for the team. Roll Eyes Who knows, she might actually catch on! But I doubt it...

Big Grin
I actually look at this as a different problem. A problem that is more general.
Its an email from the email generation. I deal with it at work all day.
People sit down and type up a zigger and hit the send button. In their mind, they've communicated an issue and put the ball in your court. What they should of done is addressed you in person. If they have practice policy questions, they need to call you or discuss after practice. But, always, in person.

The tone of her email is treating you more like an after-school care giver, and less like a volunteer in the community.

Unless they are offering to help, I would file the email in the bit-bucket (trash).

As a coach I've always had the policy that unless there was ample time to cancel practice/game expect to be there at scheduled time. In cases where field conditions prohibit even working in the outfield always have a backup plan, such as team meetings, general baseball discussions, future tournaments, etc.. Have a plan. Take advantage of this time to drill your kids on signs, situations, and your expectations.

I've always believed if it wasn't for parents coaching baseball would be the greatest job in the world!
some people just get to emotional


ps like last night when i picked my son up from JV try outs at 8:20. So I am home with my son watching tv thinking she was still at a meeting and the phone rings 8:50, She starts talking about sitting out behind the High School waiting for our son to come out. I said I have him at home sitting next to me.......Now if you want to talk about emotions I have a little story for you.

Yes it was my fault
From the Stupid Parent Tricks File... Just had a mom bring her boy for some hitting lessons. She said he hasn't been getting playing time, needs to hit more.
I suggest we try a few things and see if we can help. She begins snapping photos like a crazy papparazzi. I look at her and suggest she may be making her son nervous. She mumbled something and I said, " we'll speak after we work". When I finish with the kid, she tells me she's bringing the pics to the coach to show that her kid has been working with an instructor!!! Roll Eyes
I said, don't do that, if your son hits, he'll work his way into a spot. If he works hard at practice, coach will see him and he'll get his turn. If he doesn't, there's always another team. Give him some time.
She said, thats just too many If's for me, I'll take the pics and hsow him, then he'll have to play him. HUH!!! Eek
I would like to be able to see the look on the coachs face. Confused
Don't forget that you are responsible for an immaculate field and playing surface so that johnny can't trip or stumble on a rock or stick.
Oh, and anything he needs to learn at all is your responsibility also.
Most of all, everything you do needs to ensure that johnny will be able to realize his dream of Major League Baseball (regardless if it interests him or not) and if you fail to teach him, encourage him, play him enough - why you'll be the whole reason why he fails!
Yes, i've seen this attitude a few years back.
If I ever coached the young kids I would start with the parents and let them know that this is an opportunity for them to be spending time with their son/daughter and that anything else is gravy.

Tim Robertson
In the big scheme of PITA parents this is not so bad. I have seen families try to schedule sports for three or more kids, so a good firm schedule helps. 30 minutes prior to show should be the latest for cancellations. Some folks drive quite a distance to find out pract/game is cancelled. Of course the occas. last minute is to be expected-it is sports.If little Johnny shows up early, put him to work on the field or go have him hit off a tee into a net-he's getting one on one-most people pay for that. I'm just saying we played on a sports team who never scheduled well, and we were getting last minute practices called and parents not around to get kids there. This coach needs the number of someone else who can check the field for water. He's wasting his time too showing up 10 min. prior to see field under water.
I have 3 kids playing at 3 different places. 1 HS baseball, 2 Jr LL baseabll and my daughter playing ASA softball. Text msg works great if your not at home to recieve the call or on the computer to get a email.

There will always be those PITA parents and everyone has a cell phone now days. I text message everything from practice times and locations to game time reminders and rain outs and whatever I wanted to get across to them.
Last edited by LJ3813

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