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There are coaches who teach players that hitting is about failure......They tell them the best hitters will fail seven out of ten at-bats........I never understood, or agreed, with this approach........

This is what the player is hearing....I can only teach you to hit .300....And, only if you possess great talent......If you don't, expect less.......Also, you will never do any better than this.....

My approach is much different......I believe teaching hitting is about a hitter attempting to reach his hitting potential, no matter what that may be..........I, also, believe the journey never ends....There is no limit to how good he can be......The more he learns, the higher his potential goes.....We're always chasing our potential....

The best quote I probably ever heard was...."I never wanted to be just as good as someone else....I always wanted to be better than everyone else" - Jerry Garcia of The Greatful Dead...... Smile
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In my Defense!!! Failure? Hitting .300? Somehow, you or I have missed the point. The point I made is that when failure occurs, to turn that failure into something positive. For example, make and out and well, you get 3 more chances and then do the math and then if you fail in 4 at bats well do the math etc. Also emphasising that the perception of success is achieable. I never said that I teach my hitters to accept .300. Say a hitter goes 4 for 11, the perception that I want the hitter to have is that they are still doing well and will do even better. This avoids the stigma of slump. In 19 years of doing this, I've only coached one full time starter that hit below .300. I think, given the numbers, that that number is successful. However, I deal in reality because I have to put the product on the field for 9 hitters every game for 35+ games per year. When you define success, what are your measuring sticks since you won't tell us any other info?
TRhit, I don't believe potential is ever reached....IMO, a person's potential is unlimited.....There is so much we don't know about the human body (eyes, mind, muscles, etc.) and what it is capable of doing....The upside is that new information is coming out every day that is proving old information to be obsolete....

For instance, we are learning more about the association between muscles and the brain....Here's an example.....

"The ONE BRAIN approach consists of identification, correction, and follow-up. The first step is to identify the unresolved emotional stress and negative beliefs that keep us from functioning at full potential."
This is a copy of some research I keep on file.....

"If negative stress occurs when we are learning a new activity (such as reading, writing, driving a car, or playing a sport), that stress becomes an integral part of the activity. It interferes with our ability to do it well. Whenever we repeat that activity, the same negative stress is triggered and our performance suffers.

If we base our choices on reactions to unpleasant experiences in the past, we can get locked into self-limitation, denial and judgment. Stuck in patterns that keep us from experiencing the success we want, we no longer believe we have any choice concerning our future.

For example: suppose you learned to play golf at a particular golf course that had a lake. Generally you hit your ball into the lake rather than across it. Today you are playing at a different course with a special, new kind of golf-ball, and you arrive at another lake. Do you continue to use your new ball, or pull out an old one "just in case"? If you choose the old ball, you are making a choice based on past frustration. Worse - your choice has set in motion an expectation of failure, a self-fulfilling prophecy that keeps you locked into never being able to hit a ball across a lake."
TRhit, what you think about me doesn't matter.....

"...negative emotional charge makes a muscle go weak. For example, if you were about to tell someone some bad news, you might ask them to sit down first. The reaction to the bad news creates that "weak-in -the-knees" effect that can cause someone to literally collapse."

Does this have any relevance in hitters under stressful situations?....How many hitters freeze up and look at good pitches to hit.....Is thinking they might swing and miss a negative emotional charge?

Is it possible that some coaches unknowingly, even though their intentions are good, create negative emotional charges in their players?.....

I prefer for a hitter to know in his mind when he steps in the box, that he will hit a line drive for a hit....
Last edited by BlueDog
Still the BLUEDOG asks questions and gives no answers--

By the way I never have heard that phrase-- a batter does not hit in practice as he does in a game--entirely different set of circumstances

You are quite the guy--without knowing your baseball background why would a parent send a kid to you for lessons?

Answer that question!!!!
"When you define success, what are your measuring sticks.....?"

CoachB25, depends on what the hitter knows.....What has his education been on technique, vision and posture, brain and muscle relationship?....What level of success has he been programmed to accept?.....

I don't want any hitter to be satisfied with any level of success.....
Last edited by BlueDog
BlueDog, in part you stated the truth on what I believe. Let me put it in another way. I believe "Repetition is no fun but its the reason we have won." We take game situation, and pitch repetition and work on those skills that enable the hitter to prosper. We believe in positive reinforcement to get them to learn. We get a minimum of 300 swings in a routine practice between games. More if we don't have to lift. We work on these aspects so that the batter knows that they will be successful because they have already put their work in. If I follow what you say, "If negative stress occurs when we are learning a new activity (such as reading, writing, driving a car, or playing a sport), that stress becomes an integral part of the activity. It interferes with our ability to do it well. Whenever we repeat that activity, the same negative stress is triggered and our performance suffers." How do you practice hitting without out negative stress. The hitter can't hit the ball everytime. Oh, MY BAD! According to you they can. I suppose you have some course of action to fall back on should any of your hitters ever fail. I noticed in another thread that you dislike Lau. Do you have a new book out entitled "How to hit 1000 because you believe you can?"

What fascinates me about any private coach, say a coach in Perryville, Missouri, is that they really don't have anything on the line. Say Johnny does well. Well, Mom and Dad, you see what I did for Johnny. If Johnny does poorly, then Mom and Dad, I had Johnny on the right track but that old CoachB25 messed with Johnny and told him he might not bat 1000 and so Johnny will only hit .700! Eek
CoachB25, stress isn't always a bad thing...Negative stress is always bad, though....I never said a hitter will hit the ball everytime.....I did say, and I do believe, a hitter should think they will hit the ball every time....We work on eliminating negative stress.....

I only get students from referrals, Coach....Without referrals, I'm out of business....
"What fascinates me about any private coach, say a coach in Perryville, Missouri, is that they really don't have anything on the line. Say Johnny does well. Well, Mom and Dad, you see what I did for Johnny. If Johnny does poorly, then Mom and Dad, I had Johnny on the right track but that old CoachB25 messed with Johnny and told him he might not bat 1000 and so Johnny will only hit .700!"

I understand perfectly what you're saying here....I have a problem with instructors who do this, myself....
Coach , I love the comment about stress and pressure, It is amazing how many TRAVEL BALL coaches talk about the great things that they have done for players ( Most of the time the most talented in an area), It is very easy to coach a lot of talent when Wins and Losses are not the important thing to your future and every kid pays the same amount of $ so they all play. Coach B25, Good Luck to you this season, I have not been doing this long enough to have players of my own in the bigs, but am quite proud when a few are playing at the college level.
Knight's Coach, we are also the Knights! When I look back on it, the kids that I've been able to coach has been truly amazing. I think that the #1 trait of all of them has been that they work so hard. I would put my contribution to their success at about #50. I take the most pride in the number of kids that I've coached that have gained a college education. Other than our shortstop this year, none of my players have ever gone to a showcase or played for a major traveling select team. However, I have had right at 95% of my kids earn spots on college teams. One NAIA team that set a school record for wins, started 4 kids from my high school program. One D-1 team started 3 kids from a team I coached and when another one pitched, 4 were on the field from the same school. They made it far into their attempt to get to Omaha that year. One other kid spot started but mostly was on the bench. That school had 5 total from teams I had coached.

Knight Coach, you are a member of the greatest profession in the world. When I discovered I wasn't good enough to play professional baseball, I was devestated. Now, I realize that it was one of the best things that could ever happen to me. I can't go into a store, eat a meal at a resturant etc. without running into former players. Enjoy the ride!
Last edited by CoachB25
That is a great feeling, seeing kids that you have coached go on to bigger and better things. There is no greater job in the world where you have a direct affect on the young men you teach every day. I am entering my 4 year as head coach and 10 overrall and would not trade it for the world. I am hoping my kids realize that positive attitude is something that we preach for a reason. I have a good group this season and can not wait to get started. My biggest concern is chemistry at this time. Last year was the best year I have had from a coaching standpoint, no parental problems, no behavior problems all the kids bought into what we have been teaching and it was the most enjoyable season so far.
the comment about travel coaches we have one guyt that the majority ofmy players play for and he does a great job with the kids, he teaches and does not seem to be there for himself but for the kids, it is good to have this one particular coach around.
Thanks for the kind words.

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