- Admit that they don’t know everything and are always asking other successful coaches how they do things.
- Have the courage to say, “I was wrong.”
- Are not afraid of winning! Yes, some coaches are secretly afraid of winning because winning changes people’s perceptions and raises the bar of expectations.
- Are never “too busy” to … (You fill in the blank. Successful coaches know that they are a community commodity and own up to that responsibility.)
- Attack problems and never pretends they don’t see problems. (This means you might have to kick the “star of the team” off of the team!)
- Know that the commitment for success involves their whole being as well as requiring a substantial commitment from their family.
- Know that once they have achieved a level of success, they have to change their expectations and shoot for higher goals.
- Listen to their staff but also know that they have to read body language and behaviors in order to assess staff recommendations.
- Respect their competition and makes sure that, “every stone has been turned over” prior to any competition.
- Know that the belief in the phrase, “That’s all that has worked in the past and that’s all that will ever work” is a recipe for disaster. In other words, successful coaches keep updated on their sport with regards to changes in rules, drills, philosophies…
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