I have a question about a sudden velocity gain by my 14 – soon to be 15 YO son. He is a catcher and 3rd baseman on a fairly competitive travel team. He played approx. 45 games this spring, catching about 30 and also attended the high school camp. At the end of his spring season this year his arm was noticeably tired with off and on soreness. Following the advise I have seen on this board multiple times, took him to the doctor, no issues but was advised to rest the arm. I did not allow him to touch a baseball for 7 weeks, complete abstinence from the game.
Last night we threw for the first time, he is suddenly throwing much much harder than I can ever recall. Hard enough that I had to back way off of our usual “play catch” spots. Is this normal? It should be noted he has gone through a pretty big growth spurt this spring (around 4” since February). Is this simply the rest or the rest combined with sudden maturity? I have coached him off and on since he was 7 and have only missed maybe 5 or 6 of his games during this time so I am familiar with his past abilities, this gain was striking.
Curious if any other folks have ever seen this type of thing before.
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