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Sorry Ken, I went and rented sugar because of your post here, and I was disappointed. The back of the movie says inspirational? All it inspired me to do is quit when the going gets know as well as I do, that baseball is tough to all who play, and the ones who can persevere through the rough times, are the ones who succeed in baseball (and to succeed in baseball doesn't necessarily mean make it to the bigs). Regardless, of what color your skin is. I thought this movie could have been so much better. Just my opinion......
Originally posted by 12Play:
Sorry Ken, I went and rented sugar because of your post here, and I was disappointed. The back of the movie says inspirational? All it inspired me to do is quit when the going gets know as well as I do, that baseball is tough to all who play, and the ones who can persevere through the rough times, are the ones who succeed in baseball (and to succeed in baseball doesn't necessarily mean make it to the bigs). Regardless, of what color your skin is. I thought this movie could have been so much better. Just my opinion......


You are right in that the film did have a slightly different plot than I expected.

I guess where my admiration for the movie came from was the fact that it painted a very real picture of what it's like in the minor leagues, especially for Latin players.

On a side note to your discussion, I believe it's a very fine line for a minor leaguer to continue chasing his dream or accept reality.

As a player, I went through the same trying times and had to make a decision that I knew would effect the rest of my life.

Could I have gotten a cup of coffee in the big leagues? Who knows. Maybe.

But in my opinion it would have come with much more of a sacrifice than I was willing to chance.

28-30 years old getting a September call up in the Big Leagues just to say I made it? Sorry, not worth it for me. Especially since I didn't sign for a significant signing bonus at the time.

Personally, it was important to me to be solid and well on my way with a family at 30 years old vs. chasing a dream that may not happen and most likely not prosperous financially.

Situations like these are the most difficult when coaching.

Like you mention, it's important to relay that attitude on never to quit.

But I also think it's important as coaches to help players understand what reality is too.
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
I agree, I grinded it out for 6 years in the MLs and didn't get a cup of coffee....but, I have no regrets on the attempt and sacrifices I made to have those unforgettable memories!....this movie shows a glimpse, at best, of what minor league baseball entails. I have a lot of respect for you, more than you know, from our days at the NU! But I may be the best movie critic you will come accross!

Originally posted by 12Play:
I agree, I grinded it out for 6 years in the MLs and didn't get a cup of coffee....but, I have no regrets on the attempt and sacrifices I made to have those unforgettable memories!....this movie shows a glimpse, at best, of what minor league baseball entails. I have a lot of respect for you, more than you know, from our days at the NU! But I may be the best movie critic you will come accross!



I should have known it was you.

Well, I'll give you the critic expertise if you like. Big Grin

But you have to admit, this movie is closer to reality versus the other movies out there portraying minor league baseball.

I'm glad your experiences in the minor leagues were enjoyable. 6 years in that atmosphere is indeed an accomplishment.

My years were also enjoyable but more a test of "will" and "want to". I found that my "want to" in baseball was far less than my "want to" at home. I wanted stability, financial security, and a family. I didn't think continuing a career in minor league baseball would suffice that.

I think the character in this movie goes through the same decisions. Don't you?

To be honest, I wish I could have done my bullpen gig before my playing career. I think my outlook would have been completely different.

We all go through life with "what if's".

Heck, what if you came to NU as a catcher instead of a SS?

Last edited by Ken Guthrie
Haha....well, I think that it is the closest movie to portray how it actually is, but still not close to how much of a grind it really is. They probably couldn't make such a movie in the 2hr time frame to really show the work and grind of a minor league ball player.....

Who knows if I was a catcher back then....I did convert in pro ball and was fortunate enough to be voted as an all-star my first year ever catching and came to regret not doing it my whole life....Catching became my favorite position instantly!.....but I guess I could say that I had a great role model....."P-Nut"!

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