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What are your suggestions for new members or people who are just lurking and are timid about posting for the first time?

Here’s a couple.

1. Consider the source of any information you get here. Some information and sources are better than others.

2. And most importantly, don't take anything too serious.
“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing”. Philosopher Edmund Burke
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Don't be afraid to ask your questions, the elite of the site will appear and guide you , the wisdom of Fungo ,TR, BigHit, RHPO5Parent,Justbaseball,BBScout and others to numerous to name, all with sons excelling in baseball are always anxious to define this site with helpful hints.It will not take long to figure out the posters set on making this the greatest baseball site on the web!

Last edited by catchersdad
Here's one more tip.

I've seen several people wonder how they can edit their post, in fact I never even noticed how until months after I started posting.

Here's how. As long as you are logged in, you will notice on the bottom right side of each post is 2 icons. On your own posts you will notice 3 icons. The 3rd icon is an eraser. By clicking that, it will reopen the data entry window where you can edit the post.

I just went back and edited my post. That's why it is going to say, something about this post being edited on the bottom. Like I said, I never did figure this out till a few months later. I'm sure if others offer similar suggestions on tips like this, I'll learn a few things I still haven't figured out.
Last edited by SBK
SBK ...

And, should one decide that they posted in haste or said something they wish they hadn't, they delete the entire message as well. When the "edit" screen comes up, there is a place to "delete message". I have used that one quite a few times myself ... 14

As far as the ladies ... the "Ladies' Lounge" (a k a Ladies Only forum) is a great place to visit to discuss the non-athletic related topics such as laundry, dorm rooms, men in your life, emotional crises, etc. Some of our great male friends post there occasionally as well and we cherish their wisdom, too.
JustBBL - You are welcome to lurk in the Ladies Lounge any time.

SBK - great post, particularly point #2. I can't believe how much I have learned (and how much I have laughed) since I was pointed toward this site. For example, I now know that there is a difference between rotational and linear. Someday, I may just learn what that difference is Big Grin
1. I think the new poster should understand the goal of the HSBBW. That goal is to help the parent and player understand the process of making the high school team and advancing through those next 3 or 4 years of high school baseball, culminating in the player being selected to play at next level(s). There are many different questions and topics produced during this process but in my opinion helping the player and the parent should always be the main goal.

2. The new poster should understand this is an open forum and information cannot be guaranteed to be completely accurate. Opinions flourish on the HSBBW so make sure you consider all sides.

3. I find the best way to compose a question or an answer is to rough draft it in a word processing program on your computer, then cut and paste that maerial to the appropriate HSBBW forum.

4. Allow harsh or cutting remarks to go unanswered. Arguments are not won or lost on the HSBBW simply because this is a vast collection of differing opinions by a variety of people.

5. Congratulations, you have found the most informative website for young baseball players and their parents on the Internet. Good Luck.
There is a wealth of knowledge here from many who have been around a long time and have already experienced what is in store for you and your son or daughter.

Some of the advice / opinions are great, some is good and every once and awhile you get the bad stuff. Decide for yourself what you can use, and disregard the rest.

Welcome to what may very well be the best informational site I have ever been on.

IMO, What I'd like to discourage is the use of the "quote" function to repeat a previous post. Instead, if your post is a response to a specific member, than just start the message with their screen name. They already know what they just posted and if anyone else is interested they simply need to scroll up and read the previous post. The constant quoting makes a thread much longer than necessary without adding any new information. Roll Eyes
Originally posted by orioles42:
There is a wealth of knowledge here from many who have been around a long time and have already experienced what is in store for you and your son or daughter.

Some of the advice / opinions are great, some is good and every once and awhile you get the bad stuff. Decide for yourself what you can use, and disregard the rest.

Welcome to what may very well be the best informational site I have ever been on.


I totally agree.
Yes, read everything, especially this article under "Showcase".... Is another one.

I think I must have read the entire site, then everyone's profile. Finally after about 6 mo., "got up enough nerve" to post... Gets easier...So many helpful folks here & have had the wonderful privelege of meeting a few "on the road", exchange phone calls, e-mails, & mostly making a number of great friendships!
This community will give you much more than anything else out there, concerning the recruiting process & more!
Enjoy & good luck...
Last edited by baseballmom
IMO, What I'd like to discourage is the use of the "quote" function to repeat a previous post. Instead, if your post is a response to a specific member, than just start the message with their screen name. They already know what they just posted and if anyone else is interested they simply need to scroll up and read the previous post. The constant quoting makes a thread much longer than necessary without adding any new information.

I like the use of the quote function. Many times during a disagreement with other posters I would respond to thier post only to have their post disappear after I posted. That then makes a post look stupid. I also like to use it if I am responding to a post 20 posts earlier in the thread to refresh what people are reading. Not everyone reads every word of every post and it often puts the post into perspective. Other times I want the poster to know exactly what phrase I am talking about.

I have no problem with your point of view though. Roll Eyes kidding

IMO, What I'd like to discourage is the use of the "quote" function to repeat a previous post. Instead, if your post is a response to a specific member, than just start the message with their screen name. They already know what they just posted and if anyone else is interested they simply need to scroll up and read the previous post. The constant quoting makes a thread much longer than necessary without adding any new information.

I like the use of the quote function. Many times during a disagreement with other posters I would respond to thier post only to have their post disappear after I posted. That then makes a post look stupid. I also like to use it if I am responding to a post 20 posts earlier in the thread to refresh what people are reading. Not everyone reads every word of every post and it often puts the post into perspective. Other times I want the poster to know exactly what phrase I am talking about.

I have no problem with your point of view though.
While I do use the "quote function" I think it gets abused. I have read quotes where a poster would cut and paste a quote from a previous poster that actually include his own quote that the previous poster had quoted. Got that? Oh, don't quote me on that!

Fungo, what are youtallking about?
Here is my advice to newcommers: Remember, everyone has an opinion. Usually, thats all it is: THEIR OPINION. Take in all the information and use what fits for you. Not everything posted applies to all. Secondly, if you are offended by something you read DONT RESPOND! Too many threads get bogged down with garbage at times, just read it and go on to the next one.
Great advice here. There are SO many brilliant baseball people in here that you can't HELP but learn a great deal if you pay attention. Use what you can, disregard what you don't like...but learn to appreciate how much this site can help you. I've been a head coach for 8 years...and I learn something or think more clearly about something nearly every time I visit the site.
Originally posted by limom84:
I am a TRUE expert. Any advice that I have to offer should be taken seriously. Very seriously...

Try to concentrate on threads concerning things other than hitting. Everyone knows you need to hit to play baseball. It is the other skills that will get you noticed.

Hopefully helpful will not take very long to determine who the real "goobs" are! Razz

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