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Pursuant to 44 and CD's posts above, CD recently wrote something that bears repeating, IMHO:

"1) Is the parent of a D1 player smarter than the parent of a lower division player?

2) Is a player who has made it into a top 25 program more impressive than a player who has worked just as hard but made it into a lesser program?

3) Is it necessary for people when posting to indicate the credentials of their sons?

4) Knowing the impressive achievment of someone's son, does that make their posts more authoritative in some manner? Is it possible that some really smart baseball people have sons who are not as athletically talented?"

44 & CD's posts are excellent; I wouldn't want to see the 'team' divided by our sons' achievements.
And (on the practical side), it would require a lot of monitoring and change.

Alas, Texan, we've also seen some Old Timers run off by arrogant Newcomers, too; with the OT-ers taking the attitude that if their experienced opinion isn't required by the Newbies, why subject yourself to the abuse? So the suggestion is still the same whomever you are --- read, read with empathy, think, keep an open mind.
Orlando ...

Good points indeed. (I like the way you think ... )

I think if we all realize and remember that, when it comes to our children, we all think positively about our own sons, that we all have some life experiences in baseball that can prove valuable to others, and that we will all face the day ... if we haven't already ... when our sons hang up their cleats and go on to new and perhaps better things. I personally think this makes it a lot nicer and easier to communicate with our baseball parent peers ...

I would much rather see this ...

than this ...
Awesome post by always. You are absolutely right.

And this is the second time I have heard a whisper that justbaseball might be thinking about leaving us. Tom, there are a lot of special people here, but you are one of the most special. Please don't go anywhere, your presence is really needed here.

Originally posted by Orlando:
4) Knowing the impressive achievment of someone's son, does that make their posts more authoritative in some manner?
1) Some posters do this when questioned with attitude about their level of experience or exposure. 2) Some posters do it to ward off the assumptions they don't have the exposure to what they're talking about. 3) Sometimes new posters don't realize there are a lot of quality fish in this pond. 4) While a poster may be responding to a specific person with a known background, their post is exposed to readers of all levels of exposure and experience.

Add: Text lacks inflection. Different tones (how the writer believes the post sounds versus how it sounds to the reader) can create conflict. One time I responded to a question with a question because I assumed the post was lacking information rather than the poster lacking knowledge. Since the poster lacked knowledge it was perceived I was taking a shot at the poster.
Last edited by TG

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