Well you all got the Dad view of what this summer should be like so I figured that I would offer the flip side of that. The long journey of youth sports is coming to an end and I am now entering into the world where people can yell at me and tell me how awful I am and no one will give them a weird look like when I get yelled at in my high school games. I am entering the world where baseball will become who I am and not just a part of me. I would not have it any other way.
Like what said earlier, time is the most important thing. While some kids are lucky to see there Dad at a baseball game I take it for granted. Every time I run to my position behind the dish or every time I walk to the plate with my bat in hand I expect to see my Dad standing there watching me. I am fortunate that he has a job that allows him to do so.
As I look forward to the summer and my last true road trip I can not help but smile. To think of traveling 2,000 miles to Phoenix and back might be a punishment to some. To me it is a reward. I had the choice of a quick two hour flight but I chose the drive instead. There has to be a reason. It is seventeen hours of talking, music, good times and of course a little bit of arguing. Every Dad with a teenage son is stupid right? He will tell me that I did this wrong and of course I didn't. Then that will lead to arguing about arguing and him telling me the sky is blue and me looking at him like he is an idiot, because we all know it isn't.
The time that has been spent with him is absolutely priceless. From hours in the cage with the "Iron Stan" to playing catch in the front yard while wearing my dodger blue pants at age 6, it has all been a joy and I could not ask for a better father. So Dads out there. Even whenever you are in the cage throwing to your kid for hours on end and he doesn't seem thankful, or if the kid does not seem to care that you are driving him around all of creation so he can play a game while you sit and sweat when it is 105 outside, he is. Just because he does not want to sit down and tell you how thankful he is does not mean he isn't. After all, we are only kids and have not grown up just quite yet. But thanks to people like you. We are getting there.
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