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I am new to this forum. My son is a high school freshman in the South Florida area. Tryouts for summer showcase-type teams are coming up in the next few weeks here. There are so many teams. Some boast how they travel throughout the summer to play top competition - but their rosters are very large. Other teams will be playing more locally and advertise their goal is player improvement and smaller rosters to ensure playing time. My question is should I have him be on the best team he can make or the team he will probably get more playing time and more individualized coaching?
Original Post
MickieD - Welcome to the HSBBWeb!

Your question reminds me quite a bit of a disucssion we had around here a month or so ago, and if I were you I'd start by reading that. The consensus was pretty overwhelmingly in favor of better development and coaching.

That said, IMO it really depends on a number of factors that only you and your son can properly weigh. How old is your son? What is his previous experience in select/travel ball, or with showcases? Every region has its own culture, too, and I'd hesitate to offer too much advice without knowing that culture.

I will say this, though: be realistic about your son's chances of getting meaningful playing time with a long-rostered club! PT is important at any age!

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