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What is normally expected of the families that host players in the collegiate summer leagues. From what I have heard, it seems pretty inconsistent. Some families really open their homes to the players, while others seem to only open a room with a bed to the players. Are the players pretty much on their on as far as food goes? Son will be playing in Coastal Plains League this summer.
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Our son is also Coastal Plains. It is very inconsistent, but not much can be done to change that. Son arrived there yesterday, went to home he was assigned, but he's allergic to cats, they had several, so coach changed him.
He had no idea this would happen, but when change occurred he went from unkempt home to very clean spacious home!
I told him when he left to be extremely grateful someone was willing to open their home to them at all.
The initial home told him water heater on timer and would be cold showers after game. Kinda harsh in my opinion, I'd change the timer for the summer.
We instructed him to purchase weekly groceries for family fridge, take them out to eat as time allows, and make himself useful. He will.
I think it is good for them to have good & bad experiences, but since he's had the season from ****, I am happy he caught a break!
Our son was with the Hi-Toms last year. Had an awesome host family, but not all were that way. His family had a 3-bedroom "cabin" on their property that our son and another player lived in. Since hosts both worked everyday they were on their own for meals. Game day dinners were provided at the field. Host Mom let them know when she was going to the store and got whatever they needed. When we visited we stocked up his kitchen, etc. He didn't have a car there so was limited in his ability to get to the store himself. They were always included in family get-togethers. Host's son and his family (4 kids) lived on the adjacent property. The players were always welcome to come over to hang out, go with them to the "club" for a swim. Their youngest (5 yr old boy with 3 older sisters) would come down to "hang with the guys" when he got tired of all the girls.

He was very fortunate. One team-mate shared a room with his Host's 6 year old son. Son got the cot, while player got the race car bed.

Son is going to the Jayhawk league this summer. We'll see what happens there!
when we lived in CA,we actually hosted one

He was a very friendly guy.He ate dinner with us when he was home during those hours,had his own bedroom(TV and systems in it).We didnt mind if he choose to take a lengthy shower,or use the phone.It was actually fun because I got to go to the games for free and he shot me a few pointers as he let me warm up with them and watch.It was actually fun,you just have to hope you get a good guy

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