We are now officially in the college baseball backstretch, which means summer ball is about a month away. Now is when summer teams start getting reports of injuries, grades, girlfriends, excessive innings, etc., so roster spaces on summer teams start to open a bit from here until the end of May...most summer teams lose 4-5 players every year during this stretch.
Interesting item: MLB is really pushing the summer leagues to hold "All Star Tournaments", where the all star teams from several leagues go to a central location for 2-3 days and play round robin games. It lets the scouts, and Lord knows everything in summer ball just has to be pleasing to the MLB and its scouts, see a lot of talent in a short time at one place. Don't even ask what this does to a summer team's schedule, the guys not on the all star teams, etc., and it creates a lot of questions/problems...but it is happening this summer so we'll find out soon enough.