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I don't think the timing is going to affect things all that much. If it were me, I would send it to them mutliple times. Send them one now, perhaps follow up with them to see if they received it, and send them one later when it gets closer to the event. Don't be bashful. If I were a coach, I want kids who want to play for me. Let them know of your interest and keep following up with them. Perhaps fill out any online questionaires that are available before you send the letters and that way they will already have two data points on you and it shows your initiative and enthusiasm. Make it happen and it will.
It sort of depends on where you are in the process. Most summer schedules will not be done until May/June. What year are you?

My son is a 2011 and some of the programs that have interest in him have asked for his HS schedule, which is just now getting finalized. So I would send it now if programs have shown some interest in you. (maybe even if they have not shown interest)

Summer schedules will not be out until May/June so I am not sure you can send much frankly. I also think you are better off trying to find out from the programs you are interested in where they plan on going and arrange to be there.

I agree with CD keep up the communication. My priorities would be:

1. Filling out profiles.
2. Updating them on your HS schedule when you have it.
3. Updating them on your HS season say 2 - 3 times. Don't over do it, but don't do it once.
4. Update them on your summer plans once it is finalized.

This will keep the communication going so they are aware of your interest and know where to see you if they want to.
Your timing is perfect. Keep working hard on your grades first and foremost. Make a list of the schools you are interested in, talk with your parents, coaches about it so it is fleshed out.

Fill out all of the profiles during the next couple of months. I would send them your summer schedule in the May/June time frame. If you are going to a big event like the USA Baseball Chamionships send them a game schedule once it is released. Follow up at the end of the summer and give them some highlights on how you did and what your fall schedule looks like.
There are lots of reasons to send updates.

Coach here is my updated HS schedule. I will likely pitch on these days...or whatever you want to add about the schedule. Pick out some highly ranked teams you might be playing and mention them.

Coach here is how my season is going I did bla bla bla.. fill in some information on how you are doing and what you did.

Coach my summer schedule is filling out here is where I will be playing, by the way here is an update on my HS season.

Be real, be yourself, and don't be afraid. The coach will learn some things about you based on how confident you are and how well you communicate.
Last edited by BOF

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