TRhit, Mr Tom Rizzi, has showcases in July and August each year. The only other suggestions would be to contact Perfect Game to see what indoor events they may have scheduled over the winter and spring. Mr Rizzi's showcase can be found under
www.collegeselect.org and Perfect Game is
www.perfectgame.comDon't hesitate to utilize the other features asscoiated with the High School website. There should be other links to other events.
Pitching at Rochester is good, with two other pitchers stepping up this coming season. We have several good middle type guys and a very good setup/closer guy that is a senior this year. The pitching has been good, but could definitely be better. If, as with any other team, IF, we had one, maybe two more quality starter types, and along with our defense, we would be in tournament contention. We are close, its just that our hitting has been suspect (spotty) at times. We need to be more consistent. Some people would aruge with me about how I feel about UR's team, and yes I am partial, however these guys have played some of the best, Emory, Washington U., Brockport, Ithaca, RPI, St.John Fisher, and are just a few hits/runs away from having a better record.
Yeah, I'm on the Rochester bandwagon and have a son that plays there, but you can tell that with just a few tweaks they really could be considered a really serious national contender. They're not far away!!!