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It's funny how some of the questions are asked...

"How far would you travel to an NCAA Championship Baseball Event?". They ask for a distance in miles, which really isn't the answer. Omaha is not an easy or cheap place to get to. So it's not a matter of distance, it's a matter of cost and convenience. Many further destinations may be more appealing for those reasons.

They don't know what they don't know, therefore they don't know what answers they need, and can't formulate the right questions to get to the destination they are trying to find.
I've written many surveys and this one is very well done. Depending on the demographics and the sample sizes from those areas, the NCAA will gather some very interesting data.

The only problem that I see is there is no safety mechanism to ensure the poll box is not stuffed with re-occurring users. With an online poll that is not brain surgery, just poor planning. Heck, the HSBBW has that fixed into poll questions on our simple site cross referencing user id. The NCAA could do the same by asking for email address, or gathering a machine address.
Last edited by rz1
Where are all the questions about what people think about the rules, regulation and power of the NCAA.

A Few Examples

Do you think all NCAA rules are in the best interest of the student athletes?

Do you think it is fair to punish the student athlete and not the member institution when a player decides to transfer?

Do you think it's fair that the NCAA disallows people capable of helping from helping under privileged student athletes?
Great questions Jerry. However, I doubt the average NCAA fan would have a clue on the internal workings of that governing body. I hang around with college sports freaks, they know everything about the teams, the conferences, but I could not have an intelligent conversation with any of them on the transfer or any other off the field rules. We (HSBBW) live in a funny area of this culture, we are aware, we for the most part understand, and we have an opinion on those issues which is primarily anti-NCAA. They do not want to hear from our type in our minority faction in the "fan grouping". My look on this survey is that it is a fan survey, not an opinion of the state of the organization.

When writing surveys you need to know your target audience, and the questions have to be directed to that target. In this case it was to identify sport fan bases, viewing tendencies, NCAA championship knowledge, then throw in some sponsorship questions. While it does not dig into the bowels of the NCAA, I thought it was better than nothing.
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by PGStaff:
Where are all the questions about what people think about the rules, regulation and power of the NCAA.

A Few Examples

Do you think all NCAA rules are in the best interest of the student athletes?

Do you think it is fair to punish the student athlete and not the member institution when a player decides to transfer?

Do you think it's fair that the NCAA disallows people capable of helping from helping under privileged student athletes?

Exactly...rolled up my sleves ready to do battle...sit-out rules...squashed schedules...

...and I think somehow what I've done is cast a vote for hosted on-line college sports video games...


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