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Originally posted by Jerry The Clown!:

Hey, hey boyz and girlz!!!

Looks like crazy Jerry is up to his old tricks again!


Stay away from that catnip Stetzer-----it's addictive!!!


is it Agsnhere?
is it TimeToStepUp?
is it Clemente21?

Nope-------------it's Jerry The Clown!!!



Best post in this thread...
Guys -- this playground has rules -- we're not going too far with this one. Posters can choose to respond or to ignore baiting. In any case, topics designed solely to slam a team or organization or coach -- HS or summer -- won't last.

With all due respect to you and kirk<---(I mean that) ISN'T THAT A DOUBLE STANDARD ...i'm beginning to see a pattern.....

you guys went way out of your way to bash team kelly and thier coach (to prabably try to recruit players from thier team) and when the post's and "house calls" didn't work you shut the topic down.....Just a few days earlier in the H.S. play-offs Mitchell Pitts, Miles Mulkey, and DBAT's own Nick Fleece pitched multible games on 1 days rest and did you single out thier coaches/teams?!!!! personally i feel the guys that are "jumping you" over the 18U team, are piling on over is hard to keep a competitive team at that age group, But don't censure people just because you don't like what they have to say!


Posted May 30, 2007 10:32 PM Hide Post
I have a question about the 2007 Terry Morris Classic. How many teams had one certain pitcher throw 6 innings on Saturday and 6 innings on Monday?
Posts: 187 | Location: Plano | Registered: September 14, 2004

Panther Dad
HSBBWeb Old Timer

Posted May 30, 2007 10:41 PM Hide Post
kirk -- I don't know who you are referring to and my guess is that no one will "step forward" to identify the team(s) that used pitchers with such short rest. any case...I think it is terribly irresponsibile. Has winning become THAT important? Dads, wake up...before it's too late for your 15 or 16 yr old son. I don't understand coaches that did it in the playoffs -- and I don't understand coaches that did it in this meaningless summer tournament. Ridiculous.
John -- I think you're using discussion points from other topics out of context to make a point, although I'm confused on the point. If you read the post (mine) that you quoted, I clearly indicated that I was not aware of the team, the kid, or the specific situation. It became clear later that it was Team Kelly. I know no one on this team. Also, who would I/we recruit from Team Kelly? Umm, we're 18U with a pretty set team. From my perspective, we don't need 15 yr olds -- no offense to anyone intended. Also, if you do a little more research, it might be clear to you that I was the one to mention the high pitch counts by Pitts, Mulkey, and others.

I am "censoring" the thread because there is a potential that it could become mean spirited, in addition to being redundant. Do you think Kermit should have to explain every action his team makes to anonymous posters who appear to have a specific agenda? I'm acting as moderator, not as a DBAT guy --- frankly, I don't know what happened and why. I would defend the other summer teams as well. If you review my history, I seldom even indicate the team we are affiliated with in the summer.

John -- are you in favor of this type of discussions? -- Insinuating that one poster has multiple screen names, accusing him/her of being a clown (reading between the lines). You're better than that too. Also, for the can count on one hand the number of topics I have ever closed. I'm really pretty fair here.

Back to my comment -- which you republished here. We've had this discussion several times SINCE my post ---- and I'll stand by my challenge to dads, moms, coaches, etc. to wake up regarding overuse. I didn't direct it to one person then or now -- or at a team or coach.

I think I'll get back to cleaning up this thread -- since one person specifically asked me (in private) to do it. If it can turn into a productive discussion......let's get there.


John -- you should have come by and said hi today ----- I missed TG's sprint, but saw that he recorded a good time.
Last edited by Panther Dad
Due to the MLB Draft and players in the HS state tournament in Austin, plus other issues we simply did not have enough kids to field a team for the 2nd afternoon consolation game (we only had 10 players for the 1st game on Sat). We would have been fine to play on Sunday, (we had more players coming in from out of town). Sorry for the early exit but this sometimes happens in Summer 18U Baseball. Even with large rosters sometimes you cant seem to get all the players to the park!
Talked to many involved with the DBAT 18U team and they explained it as Kyle did.

Which leads me to ask this question.............

Why start the summer season so early?

If you can't field a team, why start?

I assume the Mustangs, Tigers, and other top programs are in the same boat.

As it stands now, these games and tournaments are just a hodge podge of players showing up for a little field time.

I guess times have changes with all the different venues going on.

I wonder if other teams across the country deal with this.

It's hard for me to believe the Midland Redskins don't have FULL participation when their summer season starts.
One game agsnhere -- what's your interest in this matter? Why does one game have you so riled? Did your team get "stood up" and you were all primed for loser's bracket baseball? Or, do you find this a convenient opportunity to slam one particular team in town? Just curious.

KG -- the class B teams in Youngstown -- where I grew up and not terribly far from Cincy -- were indeed impacted by the HS playoffs, etc. The son of one of my HS buddies has been unable to participate in his summer league until recently. Your question on the summer season and its start may be legitimate.
were indeed impacted by the HS playoffs, etc.

I'd say heavy on the "etc." Wink

Let me ask you this and the rest of the folks.....

Let's say DBAT, Tigers, Mustangs, Whomever.........

decided that their organization was gonna require full participation regardless of any other venue your son was invited to. Meaning no all-star games, showcases, whatever. Of coarse, emergencies would be obviously excused.

If the organization demanded this and made each player and family aware of expectations..........

Would you and others still be interested in a program like this?
Good luck with an 18 year old team.

17U and below, I think that is generally the rule, at least it's been on all the teams my son ever played for. But at 18U, when most of the kids have already signed, wouldn't think you would have a chance of putting a team together.

Plus, at 18U, the young men have different priorities than they do while still in HS. Part of the growing up process.

My son missed last nights league game because he was asked to play in an all star game representing his high school....which to him was more important.

He won't be missing any other games unless his registration for classes for college interferes, which at this time doesn't look likely.

So Ken, what would you have him do? Miss the opportunity to represent his High School to play in a league game?

So Ken, what would you have him do? Miss the opportunity to represent his High School to play in a league game?

What would I do?

I'll tell you.

If my son made a committment to a team in which expectations were lined out from the beginning, I'd require my son to fulfill that obligation regardless. That's life. And that's just me. And that's why I can't coach in today's age. I was taught that early in life. Follow through on your word.

Now, a question for you. Your son obviously plays for DBAT. Your son decided it was best for him to attend the All-Star game. I'm cool with that. No problem. What if the coach decides it's best for the team for him not to play for about 5 games. Are you cool with that?

Would your HS coach understand if he missed a game due to an event he felt was "more important" for him?

Lastly, you mention "league" games.

In my world, a game is a game. When you allow players at this age to believe any one game is less important than any other........your asking for big problems. To say one game is less important than another is admitting less than 100% effort is acceptable.
Originally posted by agsnhere:
no one else had this problem.

I guess no other teams had players negotiating professional contracts or trying to bring home a state championship trophy for their HS team Wink. Wait a minute I think the team we were playing had one Big Grin

Originally posted by agsnhere:
Im sure if they would have won, they would have figured it out

You are correct! If we had won, our next game would have been on Sunday and as I stated earlier we had more players coming in from out of town. Our coaches had it all figured out, WIN sat play sun!!

One player came straight from the state tournament to make the Sat game, if his team had not lost we would have only had 9 for that game!!

Maybe we should have told those players to give up their pro ambitions and championship dreams (what do you think ken...would they comply? Smile )

I spoke with Evan Mayeux (the coach for the Dallas Barracudas our opponent) personally on Sat over the phone and apologized that we unfortunately, did not have enough guys to play the consolation game Sat night. We were both looking foward to playing since Evan works for DBAT and this might have been the only chance we had to play one another since he plays in the Lone Star League.

Whats your name ags?
Last edited by Dallas Bat
Originally posted by Ken Guthrie:

What would I do?

I'll tell you.

If my son made a committment to a team in which expectations were lined out from the beginning, I'd require my son to fulfill that obligation regardless. That's life. And that's just me. And that's why I can't coach in today's age. I was taught that early in life. Follow through on your word.

But Ken, no such expectations were lined out for my son or any other the players that play on his summer team, and I'll step out on a limb, on most 18U summer teams. Two other of his teammates were also playing at the same game. The great thing about the organization my son plays for this year, and in years past, is that the people running the organizations are realists. They understand that things do come up that are important in a young mans life, and they make adjustments.

It's also why most 18U teams have HUGE rosters.


Now, a question for you. Your son obviously plays for DBAT. Your son decided it was best for him to attend the All-Star game. I'm cool with that. No problem. What if the coach decides it's best for the team for him not to play for about 5 games. Are you cool with that?

If it was layed out before the season that if you miss a game for a reason other than a sickness or emergency, you would sit 5 games, then fine. He'd sit and he nor I would say a word.

Would he play for a team that expected that from him? I don't know, you'd have to ask him.

Would your HS coach understand if he missed a game due to an event he felt was "more important" for him?

I know a player that my son played with that missed two Good Friday games due to his religion.....and the coach was fine with it. I guess what I'm saying is it depends on the circumstance.


Lastly, you mention "league" games.

In my world, a game is a game. When you allow players at this age to believe any one game is less important than any other........your asking for big problems. To say one game is less important than another is admitting less than 100% effort is acceptable.

My son, and probably 99% of the young men he's ever played with, when they walk on the field they give their all. It doesn't matter if it's a scrimmage, a pick up game or a championship game. Heck, last night there was nearly a Pete Rose All-Star game moment at the plate.

But the reality of the world is that league games carry less importance to most organizations and players than tournament games. Just as preseason games in HS ball carry less importance than District Games, and District Games carry less importance than playoff games.

And Ken, these young men aren't idiots. They can figure it out at a pretty young age that when you are playing league games and throwing your number 8 or 9 pitcher, and saving your 1-5 arms for the tournament, which games carry the most significance. Heck, my son figured that out when he was 12.

And Ken, these young men aren't idiots. They can figure it out at a pretty young age that when you are playing league games and throwing your number 8 or 9 pitcher, and saving your 1-5 arms for the tournament, which games carry the most significance. Heck, my son figured that out when he was 12.

Say no more..........

If you child and/or coaches believe 8-9 pitchers are less important than the top five as you describe...........

He has lost the true meaning of the game in it's intent.

No need to go down this road again. Times have changed, and so have the prices of gas. Doesn't mean I have to like it.

Crappie are bitin'.

Good luck to you and your son this summer.

Maybe we should have told those players to give up their pro ambitions and championship dreams (what do you think ken...would they comply? Smile )

Let's on Sat. or negotiate professional contract...............

I'd get my butt to the game and do like KD says in the important game.

Cause everybody knows league games are less important anyways. This was a tournament.

Big Grin
So in with the team you committed to, regardless of the opportunities that come your way outside the team environment?

Count on the team environment to produce all your next level opportunities?

Team, Team, Team, with no exceptions?

Sounds like a recipe` for going to the local JUCO and work on your opportunities for the next level.

Of course you have your players that have great talent that have been sought out. But there are many others that still want that chance to play at the next level and quite possibly need those opportunities. It is not a one size fits all, and I think compromise from the team and the player can be achieved.

There are players that need those great players around them to get a possible look as well as are players that need to step outside the team environment to get those looks.

Fortunately, I have been associated with a group that does just that.......compromise for the best of the team as well as what's best for the player to get to the next level.

In the grand scheme of things, it's baseball. Those who love it and desire to play at the next level should take every opportunity to get to the next level regardless how it's done.

Bottom line is communication will solve 95% of the problems and issues that I have read here.

But what do I know?
Originally posted by JAFO:
So in with the team you committed to, regardless of the opportunities that come your way outside the team environment?

Count on the team environment to produce all your next level opportunities?

Team, Team, Team, with no exceptions? got it.

Trust's a recipe for success.

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