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Swine flu is making its way onto several college campuses.Make sure you know your sons college health center plans for a serious outbreak or just what to do if your own son contacts it.
There are antivirals that are suppose to work well, and they are advising people with compromised immune systems, or Asthma to get the antiviral medications, as it cuts down on the impact of the flu.
Some doctors are just giving the antivirals to the at risk group.If your child has any health problems such as asthma, contact health center and doctors to see if you can get the antiviral drugs.They are most effective within the first 24-48 hours of any symptoms.
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I will concur with fan - my daughter at Purdue came down with it on a Sunday. She went to the dr on Tuesday with a 101 fever and had the test. Positive! Took Tamilfu and felt better within 2 days.
If you or someone you knows feels sick, has a fever for longer than usual, get to the dr so that if you need the anti viral it will have time to work.
It has/is making a run through Tulane Campus...last week, 41 on football team, the volleyball team, the baseball team, and still counting...Son missed 3 days of classes, running 102 for 2 days before fever started down...his whole house, 6 guys were all down at the same time. He's still taking meds.
It's a good time to remind kids about infection control techniques as well. Handwashing is mandatory and the best way to prevent the spread of infections.... needs to be proper handwashing techniques to be completely effective. Cough into arm, not hands. Use hand sanitizers that are alcohol based - that means at least 60% alcohol content. Have college students wipe down their door knobs, toilet handles, light switches, etc. with sanitizing wipes. By putting forth additional efforts, we can help prevent SOME folks from contracting H1N1 as well as other types of viruses.
son has Type A and bronchitis. Just hit him like a ton of brinks - one moment he is fine the next he can't hold his head up.

I'm a preschool teacher and we have been teaching the sneezing technique and the kids have it down pat. Hand Sanitizer is a must have, Magic soap we like to call it. Every handle and knob is wiped down and Lysol is sprayed liberally. And we sing the ABC song when we wash hands.... Smile and yet, my son get the flu in September. He had a flu in March! I think HS kids must be the worst.
Thanks. One of the things I do is tell them over and over again how great baseball is. Never mention any other sport. Smile

eta: I have been impressed at how quickly son is recuperating using Tamiflu. He is feeling much better. He says he feels dizzy, but I think that is because his appetite hasn't returned yet.

Looks like as soon as you feel the symptoms get the Tamiflu. Getting the shot may be the best thing.
Last edited by 55mom

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