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Probably as close to perfect as you can get except for posture. Looks like he could have straighened up a little to hit this high pitch with his arms and bat perpendicular to the spine so that he could hit this pitch on a line instead of popping it up, or has he made contact,yet? If it is a hanging curve ball, he probably hit it out of the yard.Someone used a super fast lens speed. Good firm front leg, back heel to the sky, and hinged back leg and hitting the ball deep. I bet this guy is a great hitter!!
The locked front knee and weight going back, rear foot on toe and not on ball, tells me that was either a high fly or a pop out. Many MLB'ers have success swinging this way, they are an exception. This is not the ideal way to swing, but it may be working for this hitter.
Actually it would be nice to see the whole swing and what kind of impact he's making.

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