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We are at Cooperstown this week and had an unusual play this afternoon. Bases loaded, two outs, full count, the batter takes a full swing at the 3-2 pitch and misses it completely, except for the fact that the ball hit him square in the chest. The batter slowly takes off for first and the runners sprint to their next base....the catcher is scrambling trying to pick up the supposed dropped third strike.

The two young umps have no idea what to do. One wanted to award him 1B. The other didn't know what to do. So they had a do-over. They put the batter back in the box with a full count and replayed it.

Shouldn't the batter have been called out since he swung and missed? I was thinking that it couldn't be a dropped third strike situation since the ball hit the batter...dead ball?

Thanks for whatever help you can provide.

------------------------------------------ I'm a schizophrenic...and so am I.
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