Originally posted by InTheMit:
Ying - Yang strategies. This is the silent excitement of Baseball. .....
In the corporate world, Safety is concern #1 and since baseball is a corporation, let me suggest gathering data might be prudent before executing any plan. .....A good plan is a SAFE PLAN supported with the latest accurate data and THAT is a lot of work for unappreciated coaches. ..
hmmm I've not heard of Ying-Yang (and have the suspicion you have not either).
However, just as things in life are not completely black or white, yin (black or dark, passive, downward, cold, contracting, and weak) and yang (white or bright, active, upward, hot, expanding, and strong) cannot exist without each other (according to ancient Chinese understanding of how things work).
For me, I prefer to remind myself, given the power of three, a game of baseball includes the following
- A Strategic Plan
- A Tactical Plan
- An Operational Plan.
Should you wish to discuss a business plan as associated with the game of baseball, or maybe a Portfolio, emme.