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It varies. Ususally boys will complete most of their growth by the time they turn 16 and only grow a bit more after that. There really isn't one age where you can determine just how tall your son is going to be. Some kids keep growing into their early 20s.

If you could actually find a kid who follows the 75th percentile on the growth charts (probably about average for a HS baseball player) they would be expected to grow about 3.25" between 13 and 14, about 2.25" between 14 and 15 and about 1.25" between 15 and 16. The 75th percentile boy would go from 5'3.5" at 13 to 5'10.25" at 16. At 20, where the growth charts end the 75th percentile boy has reached 5'11.5".

Thats how the averages for the whole population work out but each kid is different. For example if a kid is 5'10" at 13 and 6' at 15 then he probably matured early and probably isn't going to grow more than another inch or two. But even then you never know.

We've got a kid on our 13u team who hasn't turned 13 yet. His dad is about 6'3" and his mom is about 5'5". The kid is under 5'. Based on when his dad grew this kid isn't going to start growing until he's a junior in HS and then the shortest kid on our team will end up being one of the tallest.
Last edited by CADad
Its been discussed before. We all have examples of kids who were "huge" at the 13-14 age, but were basically through growing in height. Others are still growing when they are seniors in high school.

I don't have any documented proof, but I think I can go to a 13-14 game, or freshman game and show you several boys who are finished growing based on their facial features and how tall their dads are.
I just dont think there is any way to know. I have two sons. One is 19 a senior and is 5'11. My 14 year old Freshman is 5'11 and has not hit puberty yet. Im 5'9 and my wife is 5'7. I checked the growth chart on the website listed on a post above me and his calculated height is 6'2. When my youngest was 10 he fouled a ball off his shin and had to have xrays. The doctor came into the room and said "This boy has alot of growing to do by looking at his growth plates on the film". My nephew signed with Georgia Southern out of High School he is a catcher. When he graduated he was 5'11. Three years later at 22 he was 6'2. I have also seen kids come into High School at 6'0 and leave 6'0. I think personally there is just no way to know.
I have an 18 year old senior who was 6'6" at the start of the summer. We measured him just for kicks this fall during football season and the picked up another inch to 6'7". He is being recruited by several DI schools for football, and his height is a big factor (he only weighs 240 lbs). I am 6'1" and his mother is 5'8".

His younger brother the baseball player (25 months younger) is only 6'and is growing at a much slower rate.

I do agree with someone above that maturity seems to be the determining factor as to what age a boys stops growing. Both of my boys hit puberty late. Some of their friends were shaving in the 7th grade but they don't seem to have grown since then. I think the age when a boy gets "haired-up" might be a good indicator as to how early he is going to stop growing.

BTW, those football scholarships sure are alot better than a those baseball scholarship. They are all 100% full rides and they are guaranteed for 5 years of study. Hard to beat.
I was going to plug in my info and see how much more I will grow. Problem is they didn't have age 58 listed in the drop down box. So I guess at me present rate of growth (6'4 in 58 years) I will be 12 foot 8 by my 116th birthday. Can anyone say... NBA!

Seriously, Dad (me) 6'4, son #1 6'6", son #2 6'5", son #3 6'7", daughter 5'11. Mom is 5'7. All the males grew a lot age 17 to 19.
I think you need to look at the feet. I am 6'2" size 11 shoe. My wife is 5'9" size 9.5. My oldest son is 17 and 6'5" size 13 shoe. I'm pretty sure he is done growing. My 15 year old son is 6'4" and wears a 14.5 to 15, depending on the shoe. I don't think he is anywhere near done. My wife and I both have close relatives bigger than us. Both of my son's were 10lb+ at birth and have grown very steadily their whole lives. My wife's brother grew from 5'10" to 6'3" in college. I think it varies widely in every individual.

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