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Don't know a lot, but I'll share what little I do...

The school is in Stephenville, southwest of Fort Worth. Big emphasis on rodeo there. Lots of hunters too.

The baseball program is D2 and in the Lone Star Conference. Based on its records in the past, it is only middle-of-the-road. In the spring of 2007, the team was 26-29. (The two top programs in that conference are Abilene Christian and Angelo State.)

Head Coach Trey Felan called my son once this summer after receiving his athletic resume. My son said he was very nice on the phone and talked "real country."

I believe TSU lost its recruiting coordinator this past year. Not sure who is doing the recruiting now.
Last edited by Infield08
Nice, updated campus. Field is nice as far as the playing surface, the facilities fair. The jock dorm is Traditions Hall and looked fairly new.

They carried 32 on the roster last spring.

D2, Lone Star Conference.

Baseball budget is not very large. Wouldn't have high expectations for baseball 'ships.

Coach is fairly friendly.

School has a solid reputation. They have invested a fair amount to update the school facilities.
Bulldog, here are a few suggestions...

Since you play for a 1A program, you're going to have to work extra hard to be seen. Make sure you play for a select team in the summer and fall that gets good exposure to college coaches.

I believe TSU holds a baseball camp every summer. You could attend that in order to get seen by the coaches.

Since you haven't gotten any responses to your emails, try giving Coach Felan a call. You have nothing to lose.

Also, if you live in South Texas, you might also want to contact A&M-Kingsville, another D2 school in the Lone Star Conference.

One question: what year will you graduate?
This spring, go watch a Tarleton game. Get there about 1.5 hours before the game. Introduce yourself to the coach. Don't try to meet him in the last hour before game time, he will be busy.

He may ask you to stick around after the game to talk.

Watch the warmup routine & the game. You can learn something about the team and the coach by doing so.

Trying to meet the coach for the first time after a game can be tricky if his team loses. Wink
There is no substitute for face to face meetings.

If you have to make a drive, then your willingness to do so will indicate strong interest and probably impress the coach.

You would have the added plus of being able to visit the campus.

If you cannot do so, then see if Tarleton plays any colleges that are close to you.

Just depends on how bad you want it.
Last edited by Texan
Just depends on how bad you want it

I agree.

Whether you drive up to TSU to meet Coach Felan or plan to see him when TSU plays in Kingsville or elsewhere in South Texas, call or email him in advance to let him know you're coming and would like to meet him.

Also, if A&M-Kingsville asked for film but you don't have any game footage, ask someone to film you in practice. Lack of follow-through will indicate to the school that you're not all that interested.

Best wishes!
Stephenville is my absolute FAVORITE town. I always wished we could have moved there for good. Got my B.S. and M.Ed. - so did my husband. Profs are awesome - at least all the ones we had. Still has that small town feel. I was a student athletic trainer back in the day and sports are a big part of college life. As far as the baseball team - I have heard a lot of positives about it.
I'll never forget my senior year when we played TSU. We were heading to the field and we passed a dorm where the parking lot was FULL of HUGE 4x4 trucks! It was a girls dorm!!!!!

On another note, great school, awesome community and they offer baseball. Gotta be doing something right if they offer baseball. SMU, UTEP and a few other schools in the area can't even do that. Wink
Student-Athletes who graduate early can stay to use their "five years to play four" at the same school by taking graduate classes or pursuing a second undergraduate degree. If you want to transfer to play at another school, that is rather difficult. In your situation, do your homework to find a baseball program at a school that has a graduate program or three that interests you.

First, I commend you on finding this forum. You've gotten some fantastic advice already. I want to add that what some Sophomore throws to second is totally irrelevant, unless you make it relevant by not trying. There is always competition in gaining anything worth having. The question is not how tough the competition is, but how tough YOU are. If you want to have a great college baseball experience, you're going to have to do lots of homework to find the right fit, and more importantly, you're going to have to do lots of training to become the best student-athlete you can become. That's a VERY daunting task that is too much for many people. Pursuing other things is fine. If you pursue college baseball, give it everything you've got, and you will be rewarded.

Good luck.
Getting stronger can help you throw harder and is often an extent of that. However, you need to have a smart lifting plan (account for flexibility and balance, not just bulk), and I would recommend those elastic tubing bands (they're pretty inexpensive) and exercises with the bands, and throwing (i.e., long toss).

To answer your question concisely, yes, but to only to a certain extent.

I wish you the best of luck in your pursuit; hang in there! Trust me, I know it can be intimidating talking to a college coach as an unknown recruit, but relax, tell him your name and something about you, and he'll take things from there.

Good Luck!
Originally posted by cutter1:
Hey Bulldog

I saw where you asking about steriods and HGH

If your still on this **** forget Tarelton or any other college as they all test. JMHO

No one can say what HGH will do long term to your body

Is it work the risk when your pee pee falls off?

Calling this kid out in public just isn't right. If you suspect what your note above seems to suggest then you need to take it up with him, not on this board. If I'm wrong in your inference then I'll be the first to apologize.
Stanwood - you are right I was not thinking straight and my apologies to bulldog and should have asked before i shot the gun

I am sensitive to this (and sick of it) as I know the testing possibility is not scaring some kids (or parents) away.

I actually had a parent tell me he gave his kid steriods and was looking for HGH. Looking at the kid I beleive him. It is just fair to the kids who lay off of it.

Again Bull Dog - my apologies

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