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I think that one thing that coaches can do is be creative when counseling a player on his size.

How about " You will continue to grow and gain strength as you mature , in the meantime I would like to see you in the weight room and follow our suggestions on proper nutrition".

Kids are going to grow and get bigger on nature's timeline - It seems the "you need to get bigger and stronger" is understood by the player that it needs to happen right now. JMHO
Don't you think Bud Selig should be named Teflon man of the Decade???
If your industry was going thru its worst scandal since 1919 do ya think your CEO would be under any scrutiny?
There's old Bud up there nodding his head, "Yes, Senator, we're working on that...." I've heard no talk of the owners giving Bud the heave ho (all these guys fire managers like I change underwear.)
...all these guys fire managers like I change underwear.

It's a good thing you don't live in Atlanta and you're not a Braves fan. Given the length of Bobby Cox's tenure your shorts would definitely be a public nuisance and hazard by now....the EPA would have designated you and your shorts as a troublesome brownfield!

Interested in Applying for Funding?
EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grants
[ PDF (365K) 2 Pages ]
Publication Number: EPA-560-F-05-238
November 2005
Last edited by gotwood4sale

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