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Hi all, I'm searching for tips on things I can do with my son to get him comfortable with diving for a ball.

He's an agressive, fearless 14 yr old HS frosh third baseman. Fearless doesn't seem appropriate in this case (ie:fear of diving)but he gets right up on the hitter and challenge them to put it by him.

But he is very uncomfortable with diving. Are there drills that I can do with him to help him get more used to it. I think it will hurt his opportunities as he moves further along.

Your thoughts are appreciated, Mike
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Yep...and it is pretty easy.

Start him out on his knees. Have him lay down, extend his glove and remain on his chest. His throwing hand should remain palm down to brace himself. After he has the proper form without a ball, start rolling balls to his side. Have him repeat the form. Move your way up to fungos while on his knees.

A few key points:
1. STAY ON YOUR CHEST! Do NOT try to roll over on your side.
2. Throwing hand to stay palm down. This helps you to pop back up after you catch the ball.
3. Do not dive UP, dive OUT.
Originally posted by redbird5:
Yep...and it is pretty easy.

Start him out on his knees. Have him lay down, extend his glove and remain on his chest. His throwing hand should remain palm down to brace himself. After he has the proper form without a ball, start rolling balls to his side. Have him repeat the form. Move your way up to fungos while on his knees.

A few key points:
1. STAY ON YOUR CHEST! Do NOT try to roll over on your side.
2. Throwing hand to stay palm down. This helps you to pop back up after you catch the ball.
3. Do not dive UP, dive OUT.

I agree and would go with what Redbird said. Here is the following progression we use with our players.

1. Form - No ball. They start with dive completed and work on getting up. Then go from knees and dive and get up. Then go from standing position and dive and get up.
2. Form with ball - Same as #1, but now they have ball in glove and get up to make throw.
3. Dive From Knees - Now coach stands 5-10 feet in front of them and rolls ball. Player is on knees and dives, pops up and throws.
4. Dive From Feet - Same as #3, but now player is standing up .
5. Put it all together. We hit fungos from around the mound area player goes through full, game like reps.

We do this for both forehand and backhand dives.
As the glove arm extends out, the throwing hand arm must go forward & down (at a low angle, not a right angle to the ground) to break the fall. Otherwise, the glove arm elbow will almost always impact the ground (being the first thing to hit) with a high likelihood that the ball will pop out of the glove.

The throwing hand will be palm down, but the hand should be in a fist to reduce the chance of finger injuries.

As has been said, the fielder wants to land on the chest/stomach. Rolling over on their side will increase the chance of injury.
Last edited by Texan
I can tell you that over the years I have seen pro & college players doing this. And some years back saw photo's showing it. So, no, you absolutely cannot tell people that no one does this.

You are no more likely to roll a wrist, and you are far less likely to hurt a finger. Anyone still following this post can go out & try it. They will see for themselves.

I personally never once experienced a finger or wrist injury. Nor do I know of anyone else who used this technique being injured. None of my players were ever injured using this technique. Ever. But I do know of numerous instances of sprained, jammed, broken fingers on those who leave the palm open. You can say whatever you wish, but you cannot change the facts I have personally observed.

Palm down, curl the fingers up.

You are welcome to the last word. Enough has been said.
Originally posted by redbird5:
Nope...played 4 years of IF for a Top 20 DI school and now coach at a college.

I can tell you that no one dives with their throwing hand in a fist. YOu would be more likely to roll a wrist without your hand being flat, not to mention skin your knuckles. Palm open and down.

Since the last word has been spoken... you are 100% correct redbird. To prove this point is simple. Every night on ESPN they show web-gems where the best players in the world demonstrate proper technique. I don't recall anyone diving with a fist
Originally posted by Texan:
Close & Delete, try explaining your technique's advantages to the young player who busted a finger last night. He dove with his palm open...

I always dive with my palm open, nothing bad has happened (im a MIF)

I just watch baseball tonight web gems, and not one person who dove had his hand closed. I think your full of bananas (no offense)
Originally posted by redbird5:
Nope...played 4 years of IF for a Top 20 DI school and now coach at a college.

I can tell you that no one dives with their throwing hand in a fist. YOu would be more likely to roll a wrist without your hand being flat, not to mention skin your knuckles. Palm open and down.

I am with redbird: I never dove with a close fist and I don't know anybody else that has either.

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