Originally posted by redbird5:
Yep...and it is pretty easy.
Start him out on his knees. Have him lay down, extend his glove and remain on his chest. His throwing hand should remain palm down to brace himself. After he has the proper form without a ball, start rolling balls to his side. Have him repeat the form. Move your way up to fungos while on his knees.
A few key points:
1. STAY ON YOUR CHEST! Do NOT try to roll over on your side.
2. Throwing hand to stay palm down. This helps you to pop back up after you catch the ball.
3. Do not dive UP, dive OUT.
I agree and would go with what Redbird said. Here is the following progression we use with our players.
1. Form - No ball. They start with dive completed and work on getting up. Then go from knees and dive and get up. Then go from standing position and dive and get up.
2. Form with ball - Same as #1, but now they have ball in glove and get up to make throw.
3. Dive From Knees - Now coach stands 5-10 feet in front of them and rolls ball. Player is on knees and dives, pops up and throws.
4. Dive From Feet - Same as #3, but now player is standing up .
5. Put it all together. We hit fungos from around the mound area player goes through full, game like reps.
We do this for both forehand and backhand dives.