i am eager to learn rotational hitting and theres no kind of coaches around here that teach it. is there anywhere i can buy a video and maybe get some feedback as to what im doing?
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quote:Originally posted by BlueDog:
No such thing as rotational vs. linear.....
Best hitters in the world are MLB hitters.....Do what they do if you can figure it out....Most can't!!
quote:All the great hitters, from years long gone by, that come to mind when you think of Hall of Famers were "rotational hitters"(just a term). Players like Ruth, Williams, Mantle, Mays, et. al. The list is VERY LONG.
quote:Also, a wise thing to do when analyzing any swing is to take into account where the pitch is/was. In this case, it is up in the zone. Which means he leveled out his shoulders which in turn causes an inevitable forward(linear) movement.
quote:This is a "rotational" swing. He is matching his swing plane to the plane of the pitch. He is not swinging down.
quote:However, he blocks any more forward movement with his front leg,
quote:I think you may be mistaking me for an ignorant parent who has seen one or two pictures and says everything is rotational and doesn't really know the difference and when linear and rotation mix. Where one starts and where one ends.