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Coaches we have had a team back out of our tournament. If you have a team that would be interested in playing in our college world series tournament please give me a call at 316-651-7788

The Brett Bros 18U CABA Wood Bat National Championship will be held June 22-25 2010 during the College World Series, in Lincoln, Nebraska. Lincoln is a 45 minute drive from Omaha. Brett Bros. Bat Company is the sponsor of the National Championship. Brett Bros. will supply 2 wood bats per team. This National Championship is 18 and under with a 4 game guarantee and an entry fee of $895.00 which includes gate fee. All games will be played on two fields at Densmore Park and at Doane College in Crete Nebraska. Teams and Scouts from all over the Country will be invited. For more information contact Mike Bohanan at 316-794-2524 . All hotel rooms have been blocked off by the tournament director. Please send the entry to reserve your spot to Mike Bohanan at 5 Argon, Goddard, KS 67052.
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