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"Ronai knows how good the Exclusive Program works based on his experiences as the recruiting coordinator for Indiana State. Through Baseball Factory he was able to recruit and sign Marcus Artner, who became one of the top freshman in the Big Ten this past season – hitting over .300. The player signed with Indiana State without the coaches ever seeing him play live. That is how much Baseball Factory in trusted in the college world."

Taken from the Team One site.

You would think that they would know that Indiana State is not in the Big 10/11.

What I meant by my comments above were that in the past, Team One, like PG held showcases. Period. Pay to showcase your son's talent. Now by "partnering" with a company asking for more money to "promote" the athlete, it makes me wonder whether some players (not top tier, but those more middle of the road) might get higher evals/rankings/promotion.
For instance, T-1 has "Top-Ten" lists and the National Showcase. Gotta wonder if two boys are equally talented, will one be selected to a National Shocase because he's "on board" w/ T-1's partner?
I'm not saying this would happen, but I just think it's a situation which can cause them to lose credibility.
Again, just my 2 cents. tater
MrandMrsBaseball: Thanks for your reply - To my way of thinking, Team One's partnering with Baseball Factory is no different than Perfect Game's association with Skillshow. I don't know if there is any 'official' tie between those two organizations, but one could apply the same logic. Anyone attending a PG showcase is barraged with email from Skillshow. I'm not sure it's a fair assessment to think that if you don't use Skillshow's services, your PG rating won't be as high. Same with T-1 and B.F. My point is that all of these organizations offer goods and services that may be of value to the high school player. There is a tendency on these boards to really slam any organization connected with the words "recruiting service". I personally have never seen a poster that claimed to have been ripped off by these services. (Of course there are rip-off's out there - but that mindset can apply anywhere. There are posters who have complained about PG's rating system and selection to top prospect teams, etc. They will always exist.)
I need info - I'd like to hear from those people - as well as the ones who have used the services and think they are worth it. That's all. I want to examine every resource available. I won't limit my son's opportunities. Just as he has attended multiple showcases, I will look into video and recruiting services as well. I/we can't do it all, and I may have more resources than most. For example, I have free access to a full professional video/editing suite. That does not mean that I won't use a service like Skillshow or Baseball Factory for a video. I have to assume that they have a better handle on what needs to be included in that video and how it needs to be presented. If a service can, for a few extra bucks, send that video to 50 colleges in my son's area, great. Maybe it will have an impact, maybe not. You pay your dues and you take your chances. Ultimately we have to sort through The Sales Pitch - everyone has one - not too many folks out there doing showcases, videos, recruiting services for free - and figure out which Sales Pitch we are going to buy into, which part of the Sales Pitch we will believe in, which part of the Sales Pitch is b.s. I can change the spark plugs in my car and maybe even have enough knowledge to rebuild the motor. However, I don't have all the tools necessary and would be reading way too much of the repair manual. I would hire a reputable professional to do that. Same applies to any other forum.
Once again, there are too many showcases, too many people trying to extract every penny from a kid and his family trying to realize their dreams, too many empty promises, too many inflated egos, too many showcase providers and others who promise the world and cannot deliver. $3K for recruiting service? Do the work yourself, contact coaches yourself you don't need to have some do it for you. Send out e-mails, write letters, attend college camps, yes there are a few quality showcases out there they are the ones that college coaches actually attend. Do not think that college coaches will stake their reputation and job on someone else's opinion, they want to see the player and formulate their own opinions. No they wll not access the web to see your son's profile. In short, get out there in front of the coaches save your money for those hefty tuition bills.
Last edited by njbbdad
I remember son contacted 2 colleges in particular to see if they would be attending a showcase he was considering last summer.

Just wondering if there a SO many showcases how in the world will those college coaches have time to get to them all?

I remember one showcase fall excursion...I'll call it...maybe 4 college coaches attending (not my number, this was consenus of someone who would know, per se)

...2 from the school where games were held...

games held all day....even in the best setting there are lots of kids hoping that coach sees them have a great outing...
njbbdad: I couldn't agree with you more on the premise that the monster has been created and as a general rule we continue to feed and grow that monster. Unfortunately, there are those that for whatever reason would never be given the exposure otherwise - the kid that lives in a town of 3000, the h.s. with little or no baseball program, the kid that can't afford $2,500. + per year for a travel team, etc. etc. etc. You and I both know there are quality D1,2, JUCO 1 players out there that will never be given ample exposure otherwise.
I'm not sure about anything - all I know is that people need to open every door they can given their situation. My main point in the initial post is that $3,000. figure everyone seems to be throwing around. Let me say it again that the quote given me was for slightly more than the last showcase ($495.) The recruiting package includes an evaluation by a 'professional' scout, video, the video sent to 50 schools in my son's area, personal copies of the video and a web page - for less than $700. If people are really being quoted $3K or more I'd be very surprised. I guess I got the deal of the century.
I have to make the decision if it is worth it - Will my son have a professional video in a format that a college coach will want to see? Probably. Do coaches / recruiters ask for and watch videos? Absolutely. Will he have a web page with his info and clips? Sure. Will the college coach look at an unsolicited video from a recruiting service? Probably not. But maybe. Will his evaluation be legit by a respected "scout"? Most likely. Will this be someone whom he can use as a reference or someone that may refer him to a college recruiter or coach? Who knows. Will anyone other than him visit his website? Probably not. All that being said, will anyone visit the showcase website with the clips and info? It's all a gamble. Does the proverbial buck stop here? No. He will attend every college camp and tryout we can afford.
Like I said, you pay your dues and you take your chances. Right now the recruiting service looks better than the other options of another showcase with a 100 other players and scouts looking mainly for pitchers, or hoping some birddog will happen into a little town looking for talented position players. I am a firm beiever in making things happen whatever legitimate way you can - be it baseball, a job, carreer, whatever. All I know is that my son will have another tool to work with.
Thanks for your input and for speaking honestly.

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