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A slight change in our lineup for the CBI Richmond Coaches Clinic on Dec. 1 at RBA South. New Maryland coach John Szefc replaces Wake Forest's Tom Walter, who is doing our Atlanta clinic the same day. Szefc joins Pete Hughes (Va. Tech), Chris Pollard (Duke), Mark McQueen (Richmond) and Joe Raccuia (Radford). Because of change, we're extending early-bird discounts to 11/24. We also have group rates.

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Tentative schedule

10 am - Welcome and Intro (CBI)
10:10-11 am - Pete Hughes - Everyday Drills for Solid Infield Play
11:05-1155 am - Chris Pollard - Simple Fixes for Complicated Flaws in Pitching Mechanics
12-1 pm - Lunch Panel with all five coaches
1:05-1:55 pm - Joe Raccuia - Hitting topic TBD
2-2:50 pm - John Szefc - Hitting topic TBD
2:55-3:45 - Mark McQueen - Prepping Your Pitchers for the Season Ahead
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