Vance national crosschecker,
The post was regarding inviting a prospect to camp and incorporating it into a paid official visit.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know most camps are used for recruiting, that has been discussed here several times...duh!
If you really know coach Sully, you would know that he doesn't depend solely on camp to rely on recruiting. And Clemson camp in the fall (winter actually) is way past the early signing period. I find fall camp before signing period pretty odd, don't you? You claim you know Sully well, in another pm you said you never met him.
You need to make up your MIND!
Are national cross checkers not busy this time of year? Seems that you do spend lots of time here, posting every hour on the hour during the day. For me that's strange, a national crosschecker posting on a HSBBW. Asking questions about players (don't you have scouts to find out that info)and making comments about other players, nasty to posters who do NOT hide their identity, seems so unprofessional.
Your past comments made about PG and your constant calling TR a troll, seems to me you are lacking something there. I would think that national crosscheckers would appreciate organizations like PG, not put them down.
It's very easy for someone to make others think they are important using a name from cybersapce.
Does anyone else find this strange?
Come on you fellas who say you are involved in the professional baseball world, how about coming up with who you are, who you work for, or who you worked for, where you have been to school, where you really went to college or what experience you have had playing in pro ball, instead of hiding behind a name in cyberspace, making some of our posters think you are important, and when they don't take your word, you get nasty.