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Watched an amazing series / game Friday / Saturday.

Game was played at our high school so our coach asked me to be pitch counter for the series.

Mansfield Legacy vs. Aledo.

Game 1 - Aledo down 5-1 in the bottom of 7 down to their last strike 3 different times......each time either a hit, HBP, or a walk.  Tie the game up.  Mansfield scores 3 in the 8th to win it.

on to Saturday............

Game 2 - Aledo takes control early and wins 12-4.

on to game 3..........

Aledo takes early lead and runs it up to 9-1 after 5 (pretty close to run rule) and then nothing happens in the 6th.......EXCEPT the starting pitcher runs out of pitches on the last batter.  Knowing the local schools pretty well, me and coach commented "I think they got to the bull pen a little too late to make a difference"

Aledo has had their BP (which we know is shaky) full of kids all afternoon (wonder if they might have thrown to much???) as when they come in for the 7th, lead off HR.  Me and coach start thinking........."at what time does your underwear start getting tight if your Aledo?"  We decided at 9-5 and almost in a blink of an eye it's 9-5 w/ bases loaded and 1 out, and Aledo is bringing in pitcher #3 of the inning.

At this point in time I call the youngest (who had left when it was 9-1) to tell him to get back up here.........he's got summer teammates on Legacy and it's a 5 minute drive that he makes in 3.

Soon it's 9-7, with bases still loaded.  Next pitcher.  Single.......2 runs and now tied.  They then score 4 more and close it out in the bottom of the 7th to win 13-9.  They did it w/ only 1 error on Aledo.  There were some walks and wild pitches, but there were ALOT of singles up the middle and through the 5/6 hole.

One of the most amazing things I've ever seen.  Feel for the Aledo kids.

This is Legacy's 1st trip to state, and what a way to get there.


“I don’t scratch my head unless it itches and I don’t dance unless I hear some music. I will not be intimidated. That’s just the way it is.”

Last edited by russinfortworth
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